Heading Out Part 1

"Oh! Old man, why are you here?" Lord Yong's majestic aura was completely shattered one by one statement from Kana. 

Lord Yong shook his head, wanting to slap the little girl. "Little girl, can't you give this old man some face for once?"

"Hehe… Lord Yong, what do you mean? I always give you face. See, I'm looking right at you when I speak to you, unlike how I have to look everywhere else but at Mr. Wrinkles' face. I mean,  I get a headache just looking at him. It's like a maze. Have you ever tried to find your way out of all those wrinkles when you look at them!? My head can't grasp such a complex puzzle." Kana did not miss this chance to bring Elder Ye into their conversation.

Lord Yong's lips twitched. He was trying his best not to laugh at this time. "Ahem… Stand to the side, let me handle this."