A Village Within The Fog

Ako copied Kana and held the hilt of her new sword. She couldn't wait until nightfall to begin her sword training. Of course, anything that Kana gave Ako she would cherish, even if it was a blade of grass. Kana was like a god to Ako. While she was Kana's contracted beast, her worship of Kana was borderline fanaticism. If Kana told her to die, she would take her own life. While some of this was due to her contract with Kana, a lot of it has to do with the way Kana treats her. Kana treats her like a friend and family member, never asking for too much and always worrying about her. In her life after her parents died, Kana was the only one to treat her in such a way.

Kana and Ako continued traveling during the day. At night Kana would spend an hour teaching Ako a few sword moves and then have her practice on her own. Only with practice would one become good at something.