Missing Them

Blood Devil felt a sharp pain in his head as his vision blurred. He could hear someone yelling, but he could not make out what it was. He felt a warm sensation trickle down the back of his neck as his body fell forward and crashed into the ground face first. Just before his eyes closed to welcome the darkness, he wondered to himself: 'Did someone finally see me?'

Kana did not even glance at the man she had just knocked out with a rock as she continued what she was doing. But soon, the man in her hands no longer said a word causing her to snort and toss him to the side. She looked at her hands and frowned. They were both covered in blood. She summoned out her storage chest and fished out the flask that had endless spiritual water in it, and used it to wash her hands. Only when her hands were clean did she stick everything back and de-summon her storage box. "Now then… Hmmm? Who is this bald guy? Why is he lying on the ground like that!?"