The Spider Queen

Flames rolled down the tunnel, lighting the massive webs on fire. The fire quickly spread to more webbing, making its way towards the area where the other spiders were currently at. Kana kept her senses in that area as she turned around and looked at the path opening in front of them. "Let's move!"

The group pushed forward with Nana at the lead and Kana taking up the tail. Kana could only hope the flames from the torches would keep any human faced spiders that might be in hiding from attacking. She did not wish to be ambushed from the front. 

As they continued forward, Kana felt things seemed too quiet. For the path to have been closed off and now they were making good progress towards the entrance of the cave system made Kana worried. She had no idea why things seemed too simple. Even if her flames were holding them back on the rear, the flames to the front were minimal. She only hoped they would ward off any human faced spiders in hiding.