Learning To Fly All Over Again

Kana walked around the edge of the cliff face for three days with no luck. It was as if there was no end to the steep wall of rock that was so smooth that no matter where one looked, had no visible way to climb it. She was actually very stumped. "There has to be a way up, or the demonic beasts I am hearing above would not be able to get up there if this wall was blocking their path, so…." 

Kana pondered for a moment before spreading her wings and flapping them a few times. It was only now that she realized one important thing. She had no idea how to use her wings to fly without magic power. "Err... like this?"

Flapping with all her might, she felt her body slowly lifting off the ground, but she felt like she was struggling to do so. "Why does this seem off? I mean, my wings are big, so maybe a slow and steady pace?"