A New Home Part 3

"Sect master, did you really make this place yourself?" Kana asked. She was very surprised at how accommodating this place was. The first two floors had many bedrooms, while the top floor was like a master bedroom. Perfect for her and her handsome husband.

"Mmm… I wanted to make sure you and your family could live comfortably. And if you do not mind if you follow the path to the left here." The sect master motioned for everyone to follow. There was a small path that led to another part of the mountain. It was not a long walk. The path wrapped around for a few meters before coming to another small opening. "Here, I was planning to let Liu Na, Fei, Mei Ling, Fan Sengya, and Zhong Xiafan stay here. I still have high hopes for the five of you for the dragon festival, so I hope you can still train together and prepare for what is to come. And since if the four of them move, Little Ling would be by herself. I figured it was only right to allow her to move as well."