Family Outing Part 2

"Elder Ning! Elder Ning! Come out and play!" Elder Ning, who was sitting in the pavilion outside his immortal cave sipping on tea, spat it out when he heard Kana yelling out at him. For some reason, he felt like he was going to end up bleeding soon. Why he felt this way, he did not know why. He only had this feeling deep in his gut that he should run away.

Elder Ning wiped his beard and slowly stood up. He was going to turn and flash away when a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder. "Where do you think you are going, old man?" 

Sweat dripped from Elder Ning's brow as he looked at the fair dainty hand gripping his shoulder. He turned to see Yana's beautiful smiling face staring at him. He did not even sense her move. He had no idea how she even appeared behind him! "I-I was just going to go change my robes…."