Kiliffia’s Training Part 3

Two weeks passed, and after many more battles, Kiliffia found herself at the edge of a plateau area. While this place was very picturesque, it was the sight further away that caught her attraction. It was the golden stairs ascending into the sky. Seeing such a place, the Goddess of Fluff's tail and ears flickered. "Is that the place the old man was talking about?"

Unsure of what awaited her, Kiliffia decided that was going to be her next destination. No matter how she looked at it, that one place stuck out like a sore thumb. She had no idea how long it would take for her to get there, but she did not care. 

"I will need to make another hideaway. Hopefully, I can get lucky and find a decently safe spot near some water somewhere." Pursing her lips, Kiliffia wiped the blood on her cheek with her hand, causing it to smudge as she began her journey forward.