Proper Teachings Part 1

Rain pursed her lips because she really wanted to know her Mama's secret, but she still obediently nodded and hugged Kana before Kana sent her on her way. Kana did not even realize that she had just summoned her own daughter with a single thought. There was no skill involved, just a thought of who she wanted to bring to her, and that person appeared. This was all a part of her divinity which was outside any system growing to such a new height even within its suppressed form.

Kana's gaze fell on the remaining devil cultivators that were still alive. Some cowered in fear while others who were lying on the ground but still alive pretended to be dead. They hoped that by lying still, Kana would overlook them but sadly…. "Come…."

"Your order, My Grace?" A giant eyeball suddenly appeared next to Kana. She knew that they no longer needed to protect the other disciples from the righteous sect.