The Battle At The Riverside Part 1

Kana's expression darkened. "Where are they appearing from?" 

"A river near where you said you found the pillar before. There seemed to have been some kind of seal at the bottom of the river. Now chaos beings are flowing out of the seal by the thousands." The old man felt at a loss. Chaos beings were even hard for him to handle in those numbers. They are mindless creatures that only know how to consume. "Also… These beings seem to be part of a greater entity." 

This was the bigger issue. If the origin of the chaos beings were to fully break through the seal and escape its confines, then even he would be at a loss of what to do. With him and the god of destruction combined, he would not be able to overcome such odds. Chaos was the beginning of everything as far as he knew and could consume everything as well. Both destruction and creation were born from chaos and would return to chaos. Only beings of the void of oblivion could probably fight on par with chaos.