Training Room Part 1

"Okay, all set!" Kana dusted her hands off as she looked at the barrier she had set up. "Tomorrow, I will begin forming each of your chaos cores. Then I can fill the space with chaos energy and allow you all to cultivate it. The only problem is Angelica…." 

Kana tapped her finger on her chin as she fell into thought. "Mama…. As a what if…. What if we made a portal to the soul realm here and allowed the energy from within to leak into the second floor?" 

"Yes! That would work! My baby is so smart! This will also help everyone else well as they can slowly refine the energy to strengthen their souls." Kana smiled brightly as she rubbed Angelica's head, causing her to giggle. 

"Then let's do just that! I will lend you my power. Angelica, you form the portal and make it so no souls can escape to this realm." Kana could do it herself, but since her daughter suggested it, she would let her daughter form the portal.