Arriving At The Dragon Festival Part 2

The flying boat passed through a thick cloud bank to reveal a huge statue of a snake like dragon climbing up into the heavens. Situated on the peak of one of the continent's biggest mountains, a tall ten kilometer wide platform rose high into the sky. Around it, smaller platforms with stone seating were arranged around it, looking down on the main platform. And above all of this was one single floating platform that had specialized seating for all of the sect leaders. Off to the side was another wide platform for the flying boats to land on. 

The flying boat from Moon Crest Academy slowly landed, allowing everyone to get off. Kana and her family stood together while waiting for the sect master to speak. "Everyone one is participating in the tournament will follow Lord Yong. Those who are here to watch will go with Elder Ning. Kana, you and your family, will come with me."