Whereabouts Of Demonic Qi

Kana sat with Nana at the stone table outside her immortal cave, looking at the young woman in front of her with a soft smile. "You grew up to be a beauty. I am sure many guys have tried to hit on you. Hehe."

"You have no idea, but sadly for them, I had long married and had a child a long time ago." Nana replied with a bashful smile. Her words made Kana's eyes grow wide. "Tell me, who is it?"

Kana was all about this new love gossip. She wanted to hear every last detail. Nana could see Kana's anticipation causing her to blush from ear to ear. "It was that idiot Fan Sengya! He was head over heels in love with you, but about ten years after you entered seclusion, he turned his sights on me. And well, his pestering and a bottle of fine wine and well, we ended up becoming one, and I got pregnant. Wait, why are you crying!?" 

Kana had tears rolling down her cheeks and snot flowing from her nose as she yelled out: "My Nana has grown so big!"