Sword God Inheritance Part 2

Bi Ling climbed to the top of the mountain, where a palace shaped like a sword stood tall and imposing. At the bridge leading to the entrance of this palace were two tall stone statues that guarded the bridge like two mighty gods. They stood almost thirty Kana tall.

Bi Ling had to crane her neck to look up at these tall statues with sparkling eyes. She had never seen such huge structures before. "I am starting to think this inheritance might just be better than I thought, Mei."

"Sister Bi, you should still be careful. All these cultivators are looking at us strangely." Mei Ling warned.

"Don't worry. I will be sure to teach them a lesson if they dare to come near us. We sisters have to protect each other, so I will not let anything happen to us." Bi Ling replied while patting her chest.