
Kana and Creige continued flying towards the grand palace looking thing in the distance. The Xuegang clan head and the other elders were all stunned by the reaction of the couple in front of them. They had never encountered such a situation before. Where was the I will defeat you and then defeat your ancestor, moment?  What happened to the, do you think you can stop me, part of the script!? Why were they just flying on by as if they were nothing but air? Farts that tooted and were left behind to be blamed on someone else.

"Halt!" The Xuegang clan head couldn't take this. It was like a huge slap to his face. His body flashed, and he appeared in front of Kana, only to once again be passed by as if he really did not exist! He couldn't take this! He stomped his feet in mid air acting like a spoiled child who just had his toy taken away as he turned and drew his sword, but by the time he completed his actions, the couple had already disappeared off into the distance!