House Hunting Again

While two old men were being picked on and teased by Bi Ling, Kana and Creige came to a rather large city that went for miles in all directions. The reason they were here was because when Kana checked to see if the house in the mystic realm was complete, she found out that it was still not ready yet. This meant in order to have a proper home base, they had to improvise. 

"See anything you like?" Creige asked as he looked down at the city below him.

"What about that estate over there by the mountain? It seems to be the most secluded." Kana pointed to a certain estate that had high walls and lush greenery around a massive white palace. With one look, you could tell that no ordinary people lived there.

"Mmm… that does look just right." Creige nodded. "Should we bring the others?"