Prince Ding Dong Part 2

Rain stared at the young man in front of her and frowned. "You came all this way to talk to me about your name?" She asked, feeling this was a stupid excuse.

"No! No! I originally came to see if I could get some insights into the Devan Empire in how they were handling things for their citizens. I heard a lot of innovative ideas had been created to make the lives of the citizens easier. So I originally only came here to check it out but now, speaking to you and realizing my name could really cause some issues in the future, I wanted to ask if you had any ideas…." Prince Ding Dong lowered his head, putting on an act of helplessness to gain some sympathy points.

But sadly for him, a certain little boy in his big sister's arms said: "Just tell them you hate the name and to change it to something better and more manlier. Now, if you excuse us. Big Sister, we should go, or Mama might think something happened."