Invasion Part 2

"Mama!?" Angelica saw her mother's serious expression and knew whatever was happening was no joke. She quickly pulled some clothes out of her space and put them on before using magic to dry herself off before tearing a hole in space and disappearing.

Kana bit her finger as she thought about the portal. She looked at Xue, who was standing there and said: "Xue, call a meeting. Have all the officials appear in the throne room in an hour." 

"Yes, Your Highness!" Xue quickly ran off.

An hour later, not only were the officials all lined up in the throne room, but many kings were as well. They all looked at Kana with a bit of worry in their gazes because they did not know if this powerful woman was about to make them all submit to her or not. Kana, on the other hand, could not care about her worries as she said: "I want to ask if any kingdoms have heard about any portals in their lands with skeletons coming out of them."