Old Friends Appear Part 1

"Handsome Papa…." Angelica smiled as she softly spoke. When the new people arrived Angelica worried a little but her Handsome Papa was watching over them. 

"Oi! What happened to the others?" A young man with green hair asked. He had a fine chiseled jaw that most girls would swoon over but the girls in front of him only looked at him with indifference. But how could anyone be as handsome as their Handsome Papa? People with good looks had no charm on these girls.

"Seems someone pulled them into a different dimension. They will need to get out on their own." A young woman with blue hair replied. "At any rate, we got three people here we will need to deal with. Tolen  and Soli are already in a fierce battle. We will finish these three up quickly and make our move then."