Reclaiming The Demon Domain

After Kana sent Ki and Ro, along with their kids, to the town below the palace, Kana arrived at the border of the demon domain, where a group of one hundred Circle Rounds was stationed, staring at the massive blue barrier in front of them. She sat in the sky above them, looking down with a big smile on her face. "Do you like it?" 

"Who goes there!?" One of the men yelled out he had much fancier blue armor than the rest. Kana presumed that he was probably the leader. 

"I go here!" Kana answered righteously. But this only garnered a cold glare filled with killing intent from the people below her. "Ahem…. I guess you people do not have a sense of humor. Not that I care since you will now all disappear…." 

"Wha….." The leader did not even have a chance to finish a single word before he and all his men disappeared without leaving anything behind.