Who Is More Dominating

After her daughters were assigned a room and Instructor  Ivy gave out warnings, Kana was led to her room. "Miss Kana, you will be rooming with one of our top students, Miss Francesca. She is from one of the top families in Aurora, the Grandle family. She is also very strong. Their family has three ancestors in Eden. Each member is a master of the golden holy flame. It is very powerful and can burn anything to ash." 

"Hmmm…." Kana was not interested at all. Her flames could do the same, and she only called it a flame, nothing more, nothing less. Fire burns, and that was that. There was no such thing as a holy flame since holy magic was not invented until Aruya was born, and only she had it. So the name holy flame to Kana was just a glorified name.