Futuristic City Part 1

A foot swayed over the edge of a building that reached high up into the clouds above, stopping just below the boundary between planet and space. That foot was connected to a young woman who did not look like she normally did. She was currently under a disguise to fit in with this world. Yes, she was not from this world. In fact, she was not from this universe at all. She now belonged to a realm called Aurora. Her white hair swayed in the breeze as she looked over the cityscape that covered the entire planet. "To think I would end up on a world like this…."

The girl stretched her arms as she slowly stood up, standing on the very edge of the roof she was on. Flying cars passed by down below, but none came up to the height she was at. She took a step forward and stood on air as she walked across it, as if it was a flat surface like the rooftop she was on before.