Penthouse 1 Billion

The young man stared blankly at his father, his face swollen. He had no idea how this could happen. He could only think of one thing, and that was the girl who had taken his money. "JJ, I mean every word I just said so you better get that money back soon or everything we own will be gone. And when that happens I might not be able to retrain myself from killing you."

The young man, JJ's body shook slightly at his father's words. He gritted his teeth as he said: "I think I know who did it. I just need to confirm a few things before I can get the money back."

"Humph! Just do as I said." JJ's father stormed out of the room just as he stomped his way in. JJ could only watch as he left before finally holding his side in pain. 

"That bastard really knows how to keep hitting the same spots!"  JJ complained as he struggled to stand. He took out his phone and made a call. "I need the transaction data from my card. The ones I told you to save."