Creating Sentience Part 2

Kana tilted her head to the side. She had no idea what Nancy was taking responsibility for, but since she decided to, Kana did not see a reason to reject her. "Okay….. Ummm, anyway, let's have breakfast. I still have a lot to do." 

Nancy's cheeks turned bright red. She found Kana's reaction slightly odd, but she could not really pinpoint what she found wrong about it. She bowed her head in response as she said: "Then I will get breakfast ready." 

Kana chewed her cheek as she hummed in response. Her eyes were glued to the meat on the tv screen. She so wished she could eat meat right now. She really wished to eat meat. She even fell asleep while working and dreamt of eating meat, only to wake up to a pain in her hand. Luckily she had thick skin, or she would have bitten her hand right off.