Kana's Over Doting Spending Spree

The sun had long set, and Kana could see her breath as she walked down the street. Next to her was Nancy, who had gotten ready as quickly as possible. She hugged Kana's arm and had a big smile on her face as she walked with Kana down the street. 

"Nancy, where can I find things for kids?" Kana did not know where the stores were, so she could only hope that Nancy would know.

"I think we could find some decent things at the Tower Mall. They have many high end goods for children of all ages." Nancy replied. She did not care where they went as long as she got to go on her 'date' with Kana.

"Then let's go! Lead the way!" Kana smiled as she urged Nancy to lead her there.

While the two chatted and walked down the street, a set of eyes fell upon them. This set of eyes lit up upon seeing the girl they had been looking for. "I have finally found you! After all this time! Hahaha! I will get my money back now, and I will be rich again!"