Stupid Goddess

"Why are you making fun of my name!? Did you think I wanted to be called Goddess Killall!? Did you think I wanted to be a goddess who kills people!? Those crazy people kept coming up to me asking me to smite them day in and day out until I finally lost it one night when I was drunk and then…. Bam! Suddenly I am called Goddess Killall!  I wanted to be called Goddess Princess! Whaaaa!" The goddess known as Goddess Killall broke down crying once more.

Rain held her head. She wanted to know what happened to her peaceful life. She just wanted to sit quietly, cultivate and do nothing but now…. First, it was the people of this world not leaving her alone and now the goddess of this world was having a mid life crisis. But most importantly… "Why would you even want to be named Goddess Princess!?  What kind of crappy name is that!?"