An Unknown Past Part 1

Sitting comfortably in the base that Kana created for him, Creige took in his day training. "Kana really did not hold back on choosing this place." 

Creige looked at the sword in his hand that had broken right in half and sighed. He had used some of the best ore he could find in Aurora to create this sword. "The monsters here are not easy to fight, and just this area alone is on par with my own peak abilities." 

  He knew if he was not quick enough, his arm would have been lost instead of his sword. But he also felt that this was very good. Being able to push himself to his limits would be the only way he would be able to match up to his wife. "If I can just figure a way to reach her level in a quicker manner…." 

Creige could only sigh as he contemplated his own weakness. After he took out another sword he had prepared as a backup, he stood up and walked back out of his base.