Official Start Of Her Second Trial

Kana found herself sitting in a dark tunnel once more. There were no doors or the like, just a long, dark tunnel with chaotic energy on each side. She knew that she was currently in a dimensional rift that probably connected to the higher realm. "Welp…. Let's just see where this takes me…."

Kana moved forward once more. She needed to continue on and face whatever came. No matter what it was, she would deal with it. After what seemed like a few days, Kana came to a large opening. As she stepped through, her dark surroundings changed to that of a city street. Her eye height also dropped. She looked down at her skin and bone frail arms and knew this was another one of her lives. One she knew quite well. 

"Burrr…."  Kana shivered as she looked at the familiar streets. She then looked at the snow slowly falling down. "Was this the day that I died?"