The Office Part 1

After school, Kana and Nikkie headed not home but to a large building in the middle of the city. With her school bag hung over her shoulder and her school uniform fluttering with each step she took, Kana walked into the building and nodded at the security guard. The guard nodded back and let her pass without batting an eye. 

One of the two clerks at the front desk looked at the two girls walking in without being stopped with a bit of confusion in her eye. "Who are they? The boss's daughters?" 

 "No. I would suggest that you never anger either of them. The cute girl with the bag over her shoulder, walking in the front, is our boss. The person who built this company from the ground up. The girl behind her is known as the head hunter. Anyone who dares to try to touch the company's profits ends up losing everything." The other clerk replied with a stern warning. The girl turned to her co-worker in surprise.