When I Was Your Man-Perfect Part II (Jason Todd x Female Reader)

Prompt: Part II of "Perfect". Songfic "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars

Key: (f/h/c) = favorite hair color, (f/e/c) = favorite eye color

"Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now

Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same"

Jason's POV:

I hurriedly snatch my leather jacket from the coat peg and slam my apartment door shut. The environment in that place has been suffocating ever since...

I can't even sleep anymore! It's crazy! I lay awake nauseous just thinking about what I did. The guilt is eating me alive and the more I stay in my empty apartment, the more the horrendous realization that you're gone hits like a freight train. You made that place feel like home, somewhere I felt relieved to go after a long day. When you were there waiting for me with dinner in the oven and a genuine smile on your face, it felt like heaven on Earth.

I know this may sound like a lame-ass excuse, but I never meant to cheat on you. I went to the bar one night after patrol, pissed off and just dying to blow off steam. There was this girl sitting next to me and we just started flirting. I got so wrapped up in the situation that after a few hard drinks I lost what little control I had over myself in the first place. I went back home afterward, hoping I could lie to you and never burden you with the truth. Boy was I wrong...

The next night you screamed at me with angry tears lining your eyes. I knew right then and there I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

"When our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down

'Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name"

Luckily, I got a text from Roy a few minutes ago saying to meet him and Kori for diner downtown. I throw myself out the front door of my building and into the car, racing down the highway as fast as I can. A distraction is all I need...

We sit down in a corner booth. Roy and I light a few cigarettes and Kori lazily stirs the little umbrella in her tropical drink. Just when I start to wind down and forget my pathetic life, I hear a musical laugh coming from the bar. I look over and my jaw drops.

There you are, looking as dazzling as a diamond. My heart drops when I see the handsome (f/h/c) -haired (f/e/c)-eyed man sitting next to you. Sorry...make that a stolen diamond. Your hands are laced together and he's looking at you with a genuine smile. Your eyes sparkle with the same happiness I once saw when you looked at me.

"Now my baby's dancing

But she's dancing with another man"

I want to be boiling mad at the sight of you with another guy. I want to be so pissed I could snap his pretty neck in two. But for some stupid reason, I feel two other things entirely; regret and hope. I regret taking your heart and smashing it into pieces, but I hope this guy put it back together. I made a stupid mistake, one I'll never make again. One I won't stop thinking about for a long time to come. You could have been the one, but I ruined that just like every other good thing in my life.

"I hope he buys you flowers

I hope he holds your hand

Give you all his hours

When he has the chance

Take you to every party

'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance

Do all the things I should have done

When I was your man"

"Hey Jay, you coming?" I hear Roy ask from the front door of the diner.

I whip my head back around to see you one last time. I see the man get up from his chair, kiss your cheek, and disappear into the restroom.

I know this should be the part where I walk out the door and silently wish you well, yet I can't help but feel like I need to do one last stupid thing before I go forever. Tell you myself...

"Yeah, I'm coming. Just give me a minute."

"Although it hurts

I'll be the first to say that I was wrong

Oh, I know I'm probably much too late

To try and apologize for my mistakes

But I just want you to know..."

I approach you slowly, my hands trembling. For a guy that faced the wrath of a psychotic clown when he was only fifteen, I have never been more terrified in my whole life.

"(Y/N)?" I ask with a calm voice. You turn your head and I see your bright smile melt away.

"Jason..." You regard with a slight edge.

I swallow the hard lump in my throat. "I didn't mean to bother you. I just...saw you here with another guy."

"Yeah, I am," you reply monotonously. "Why do you care?"

I sigh, deciding how to carefully say what I want to say. "I know this probably doesn't mean a thing to you. I know I hurt you really bad, and I know I'm never gonna get another chance with you. But...I just had to say I'm sorry. You deserve better than me. You always have. You deserve to be happy."

A look of mild surprise crosses your face. "Why are you saying this now?"

"Because I'll never get another chance."

You give me a small smile. "What you did wasn't right, Jay. Now, I could be one of those girls who never get over it and wish you dead, but I've moved on. I'm happy now and I'm starting a new life. There's no need to hold a grudge. So...I accept your apology. Just promise me one thing," you say with a sterner tone. I look up at you and nod.

"Don't do it to somebody else."

"Never again."

I quickly exit the dinner before your boyfriend comes back. As I walk to my car, I smile a little. You were always such an understanding person. Now that you're with another guy and I have your forgiveness, there's no need to dwell on the past. We all make bad mistakes, ones we wish we can take back. Ones that won't always be fixed with apologies. Though what we did will never be right, we can use those bad memories as learning experiences that make us strive to do better. After all, the source of knowledge is experience, good or bad.