Runing out of time

The elves of the Greeks aim a sharp knife at us and Selena lying down hurt. our only hope is that wyin saves the children. the head of the Elves seems very strange he keeps staring at me mostly I would be scared or feel uncomfortable but somehow his stare is warm like he is looking at someone you care for... after 5 minutes Elves starts to talk "...release them these humans mean no harm. treat this young lady, I will allow you guys to leave this place only when this young lady, one with the platinum hair lady and the young knight willing to stay here." I agreed with the head of the Elves, our first preference is to save the kids plus we have to leave this forest before dawn and my original goal is to meet Novus king. Yuno was surprisedly calm.

The injuries of Selena were not life-threatening. we came to know that Elves won't hurt humans they just knock them out and drag them out. bandits got trapped inside the forest and there are ones who kidnapped the kids. these kids were brought up as slaves and women and boys with cute or handsome faces were sold to the back market. 3 hours before dawn wyin finally found us, sam gave him a simple walkthrough. the kids are usually kept in a dark cave and the cave is located in between the red lake.

it takes 2 hours to reach the lake. no one dares to the red lake this was even before this forest became hidden. the lake is surrounded by man-eating fish plus it's on the border of the Novus kingdom. the bandits are of total 20 thousand, we asked the Elves for some manpower since Yuno can't go and Selena is injured and sam will be taking care of her. I can't leave because the head of the Elves demanded that I shouldn't participate. after 15 minutes they began to go I prayed that nothing goes wrong. the head of the Elves introduced himself after others left. He changes his appearance to a young girl. the young girl bowed, "sorry for deceiving you, I once died in the hands of the bandits at least that's what they think. my people saved me they made a huge sacrifice and I'm not strong enough to protect them. The red lake once belonged to Elves. my magic allows creating the illusion the dark cave you guys spoke of was originally my estate so don't worry kids are safe.