The Price of Failure

--Six Months Later--

"Dr. Zola!" a henchman shouts, running with a piece of paper in hand. Zola turns to the young man, "I trust you bring good news?" Zola answers. The henchman out of breath, "We found it..." Zola smiles at the news, "Excellent. Prepare Project Winter and Anni. They have an artifact to recover." The henchman salutes Zola and makes his way to the third level of the hive bunker. He finds Ivan standing in front of cyrogenic-chamber, his arms folded behind his back. "Zola has given the order, sir." The henchman informs Ivan. Ivan smiles while looking at the chambers. "Commence the thaw" Ivan commanded.

The henchmen walk to the pods, and start the process of unfreezing. Slowly the pressurized doors are raised. Bucky and Iris are suspended with cables, with a small layer of frost drape over their unnaturally pale skin. The henchmen carefully pull Bucky and Iris from their pods as they wake from their frozen sleep. Ivan presents himself in front of Bucky, and begins speaking the soldiers code, "Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.". Soldat looks up at Ivan with a blank stare, "What are my orders?" he says obediently. "Zimniy Soldat, you are to go to these coordinates and acquire this artifact. Is that understood?" Ivan orders. "Understood..." Soldat responds.

The henchmen finally get Iris oriented, when Ivan stands before her, chanting her code, "Breaking, Onyx, Atom, Eleven, Dawn, War, Burning, Cosmic, Restoration". Anni lifts her face to him, "What are my orders?" she says with a mono-tone. "You are being sent with Zimniy Soldat to recover an artifact for Hydra. Once he has acquired the relic. You are to destroy the village. No survivors. Is that understood?" Ivan demands. "Understood..." she answers without question.

"Prepare them for their journey." Ivan orders the soldiers. Soldat and Anni are escorted from the the holding area, and given their uniform and weapons. The small task force is loaded onto a small plane, and whisked away with a small group of soldiers to the disclosed location. Ivan hands Soldat a drawing of the artifact, "This is the relic Dr. Zola has requested you to retrieve. Stolen from the Thule Society after WWI. We have confirmed it's location to this small building in the middle of the town. After you recover it, find your way to Anni and she is to begin her orders." Ivan says with authority. Soldat folds the drawing and places it in his pocket. As they begin to land, Anni, Soldat and the other operatives mask themselves. Once on ground, they quickly exit the plane and load into vans.

The operatives take Soldat and Anni to the small building that held the artifact Zola so deeply desired. They all unload from the vans, armed heavily. Several Hydra operatives stand outside the building doors as watchmen, as Soldat and two other soldiers make their way inside. They meet with their informant, who shows them were the relic is hidden. "It is here, behind this wall." the informant tells Soldat. He swings his metal fist, crushing the stone, exposing the hidden relic tucked inside.

"Let's move out." Soldat orders, "No loose ends." As Soldat turns away from the stone wall, the fellow Hydra men shoot the informant before following Soldat out of the building. He reaches the Hydra watchmen stationed in front, "Phase Two" He yells and the Hydra operatives load back into the vehicles, as Anni jumps out of one. "You are drive out of the city limits, Ivan is to be stationed at the peak of the hill. Wait there." Soldat orders to the operatives who speed away, leaving Anni and him in the center of the city.

Anni begins to channel the energy of the tesseract mutated with her DNA that is flowing through her body while Soldat is watching her back. A small militia appears, firing at them, but Soldat is quick to pick them off one by one. Anni slowly building her energy, creating a blinding field of blue light around them. The spiraling light grows larger, until Anni lets out a war cry, driving her fist into the sidewalk beneath her. A tsunami of dark blue smoke and static lighting engulf the city, leveling everything it's path. For only a split second, can the sounds of screams be hear before being erased completely. Anni reels herself back together, and an eerie silence falls over the rubble. The village and it's people have evaporated to ash. Soldat surveys the wreckage, "Mission complete. Let's head to our coordinates for extraction.' he demands.

As Anni turns to leave, she see's a scorched teddy bear, buried under ash. She bends down and picks the bear up from the ground. Running her thumb across it's singed fur. "This is not who you are..." a voice whispers inside her. "Anni, move out, NOW!" Soldat yells. She drops the bear and follows him out of the wasted city. Ivan is waiting for them at their extraction point, "Did you acquire it?" Ivan questions. Soldat takes the relic from his bag, handing it to Ivan."The Pendulum of the God's. Sebottendorf's beloved treasure. And the city?" Ivan asks looking to Anni. She turns her face away from him, "The city was left in rubble. No survivors." Anni says coldly. Ivan smiles, "Excellent. Follow me." he orders.

Ivan leads Soldat and Anni to a van waiting for them at the bottom of the hill. They load up and make their way back to the plane. As they board, Iris has an open vision. She sees a woman, sitting at a table, sobbing uncontrollably. Another woman, comes into view, wrapping her arms around the other, "Thank you, Peggy." the woman mumbles through her tears. Iris comes too with Ivan shaking her. Anni pushes Ivan off of her and makes her way to her seat. Soldat glaring at her.

They make their landing back to the hive bunker in New Zealand. Anni and Soldat escort Ivan and the relic inside, meeting Dr. Zola in the second layer. "Do you have it?" Zola squeeled. Ivan unveiled the relic and Zola's face gleamed. Zola carefully took the relic from Ivan's hands, "With this, we will be truly unstoppable." and walked as though he was carrying a new born infant. Ivan turned to Soldat and Anni, "Report to the third layer for observation". They both took their leave, but as they made their way down, Anni played the vision in her head. "Who was that woman?" she asked herself, caught up in her own distraction. As they round the entrance to the third floor of the hive, Anni heard a high pitch ringing. She quickly covered her ears, wailing at the pain radiating through her head. Flashes of images of the relic, the city she destroyed, the burnt abandoned bear, radiant rainbow color lights, a stone room with a Spear standing in the middle and a raven perched on it's tip speed through her mind. She collapses to her knees, her eyes glowing wildly, "This is not you!" a voice inside her screams.

Soldat stands by Anni's side, not aware of what was happening. "On your feet!" he growled laying his hand on her, attempting to rise her to her feet. Anni locks his arm in hers, breathing wildly, eyes set a blaze with blue, Soldat tries to break her hold, only to have her head-but him. Anni grabs at his throat, and more visions flood through her. Scenes of her and Soldat training, her head on his chest listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, hearing him confessing his love for her. She quickly lets him go, "I...I.. I don't know who I am.." she whispers. Soldat seizes the distraction, attempting to spartan kick her over the railing. When Anni raises her hands, lifting Soldat off his feet. Anni's eyes beam brightly while glaring at him, "I will end you, you worthless excuse of an attack dog." she growls watching Soldat panic while being suspended. "Project Annihilation! Drop him, NOW!" Ivan commands. Anni hatefully drops Soldat to the metal scaffolding. "Don't you ever, touch me again." Anni scolds before turning from him.

She makes her way to the observation room to await her next orders. Zola enters the room, a file in hand. "I heard today's mission was an outstanding success." Zola says with a smile, sliding a photo of the desolate village to Anni. She looks at the picture for a second, before hearing the faint screams in her head. "We have another mission for you and Project Winter, but after hearing today's reports of the corral between the two of you, I must confess, I'm afraid to send either of you." Zola remarks. "Project Winter will not be a problem, so long as he keeps his hands to himself." Anni assures. "Wunderbar!" Zola says softly. You will leave tomorrow, with Winter and the other special operatives. Hail, Hydra!" Zola shouts. "Hail, Hydra!" Anni says rising to her feet. "I almost forgot, since it would be useless to place you back in your cyrogenic-pod, You will be shown to a more comfortable area to rest for the evening." Zola says as he leaves the room. Anni follows Zola to the secluded second layer, But Anni has no prior memories of the place.

"You may stay here, and prepare for your next mission." Zola says calmly, "Ivan will retrieve you when it is time to depart." Anni looks around the secluded area, she feels the place is familiar but she can not place why. Zola leaves Anni, taking one finally look at her before exiting. Anni slowly walks towards the first sleeping room, as she approaches the door way she takes notice that the door is missing. She lays her hand on the hinges, and she see's a vision of a faceless girl kicking it in. She removes her hand, peering into the room. Something calls for her to go inside, but she resists.

She wanders to the large open lobby of the seclusion area. Make-shift mannequins are lined against a wall. She pulls them out one by one, creating an obstacle course of would be enemies. She starts from the beginning, with the smallest of the stuffed men. She takes off running removing her small knives from her side, locking the mannequins head in her arms, snapping it's 'neck' while tossing her knife at the second. Tossing the first mannequin to the floor, she springs to the second, removing her knife from his chest. The third attempts to rescue his defenseless straw-stuffed friend, But Anni dodges his grapple, driving one knife into his wooden leg- and driving another into it's back as it falls forward. The last is the biggest of the mannequins. She removes her spear, releasing it to it's full length. She charges at the mannequin as she envisions it swinging a mighty axe at her, channeling her energy through the spear, and driving it where it's head would be. As her and the mannequin fall backwards, her spear drives into the cement floor releasing an explosion of blue light, shaking the secluded area.

Iris raises her head, breathing heavily to the sound of someone clapping. "You do well against straw lined men." It's Soldat. She pulls her spear from the cracked floor, "Sounds like you're still mad I got the best of you today, pretty boy." Soldat tenses at her acquisation. "Why don't we find out. You and me. Hand to Hand. No fancy tricks." he jests. Anni glares at Soldat, "Alright then.." she says drawing in her energy, "Let's go." Anni walks back to the center of the lobby as Soldat follows. They both take their defensive stance, "Nachat'(Begin)" Soldat says.

Soldat throws his metal arm at Anni, she dodges. He tries to uppercut, she blocks it. He throws a straight arm, and Anni wraps herself around it, flipping him to floor. Pinning his shoulders with her knees, and delivering three good hits to his face. Soldat rips her off with his bionic grip and flings her to his left. She slides across the floor, bracing herself with her feet. As Anni looks up, Soldat is already charging, and tries to deliver a vicious curb stomp. Iris tucks and rolls, but Soldat connects a punt to her gut. Anni gasps as the air is knocked out of her. Soldat picks up Anni by her throat bringing her eye level with him, "See, you're nothing with out your powers." he snarls. Anni fighting for breath, strikes Soldat with an open palm in his throat. Soldat releases his grip from Anni, and she hits her knees, delivering a fatal under the belt blow. As he doubles over, she kip-ups and connects a spin kick in his chest, hurtling him backwards.

Soldat holds himself in agony. Anni stands over him, "yest' der'mo sobaka.." she says with a grin. As she turns to collect her spear, she falls into another open vision. She sees Soldat and her sitting in a bedroom, her hands on his face, as his overlapped them. They are smiling, "You and me" she says. Soldat smiles back, "You and me.." he answers before kissing her. She comes out of the vision, and looks at Soldat who is still trying to make his way up from the floor. Anni turns to him, "Who are you? Why do I keep seeing you in my visions?" she demands pointing her spear at him. "What are you talking about?" Soldat answers, still in agony. Anni realizes that Soldat has no idea what she is talking about. She withdraws her spear, leaving him writhing on the floor.

Anni and Soldat are herded to the small plane, boarding to leave on their mission. As they take flight, Ivan sits across from Soldat and Anni, who keep a small distance between each other. Ivan opens a file, "This is your target. Xander Piehle. He is a small time war lord who current holds a item that Zola desires. Zola tried to make trade agreements for the relic, but xander failed to deliver. He is to be assassinated and the relic recovered. Is that understood?" Ivan barks. They both nod their heads and lean back into their seats. Ignoring the one another's presence.

The small plane lands, and when the doors open the scorch of heat given off the land burst through. Anni sheds her jacket, as Soldat rolls his eyes. "Don't get to excited, prudence. I know how lonely Winter can be." she says sarcastically. They follow the Hydra operatives to vehicle waiting for them. "They will take you to where the target is hiding out. Remember, failure is not an option. Hail, Hydra!" Ivan commanded. "Hail, Hydra!" they both chant.

As they make their way to the city, an explosion hits the side of the van. The van flips, landing on it's side. Anni and Soldat, look to each other, "We're under fire! Move, Move!" Soldat screams. Anni checks to make sure her knifes and spear are still on her. She feels the trickle of blood slowly creep down her forehead. The Hydra operatives pull the side door of the van now above their heads open. But as one goes to exit, he is shot by a sniper. "Soldat!" Anni screams kicking the back door open. "Follow her!" Soldat orders. Anni is the first out, when the sniper fires at her, just missing her. Anni springs to her feet and the rest of the Hydra operatives follow her lead into the sand covered city. Anni turns to look for Soldat, he's not with them. She see's him sneak his head out of the side of the van, popping the sniper with a clean shot.

"Soldat!" she yells. He quickly makes his way to the group as the van is riddled with gun fire. "How did they know we were coming?" Soldat shouts. "It doesn't matter now, all that matters is that they intend to kill us!" Anni yells, ducking as they attacking clan pelts them with heavy fire, striking one of the operatives next to Soldat. He picks up his rifle, "Here, make use of this." he says tossing the rifle to Anni. The team begins picking off the shooters one by one, giving them a chance to make it out of the devils valley. Anni see's their target running into a building. "Soldat! Xander! He ran in there."

Soldat and Anni take off after him. As they enter the building, one of Xander's men jump at Soldat with a knife. Soldat blocks him, using the attackers own blade to subdue him. But another jumps off the stairs before Soldat is able to defend himself. Anni see's him and throws her blade, sticking it into his neck. Soldat looks back and Anni who smiles smugly at him. They take off upstairs, when they are met with three more attackers. One lunges towards Anni with a machete, she dodges the swing of it. He tries to swing it again, but Anni delivers a hard jab to his jaw. As he stumbles, she delivers a series of punches. As he takes the finally hit, she wraps her arms around him, suplexing him backwards and springboarding off him. Soldat trades punches with one for a moment, until caving in his sinuses with his robotic arm. The last of the Xander defender's has two knifes in hand, waving them wildly, nicking Soldat on his chest. Soldat angrily removes his own blade, and the two duel. Anni annoyed with the struggle between them, charges her power through the spear, evaporating him.

Soldat stares at Anni, "I had him!", he yells. "Yeah, yeah" Anni replies sarcastically. They make their way to the fourth floor of the building. They find Xander standing in the middle of the room, a bomb strapped to his chest, the relic in one hand and a detonater in the other. He laughs manically, "Choices, choices, eh lovey's?" he gloats. Soldat moves towards him, "Ah Ah Ah...Slow down there Scramble Brains. You see, I've loaded every building in this sand covered ghost town with the bombs twice the size as the one ticking on my chest. Even look at the relic, and I'll take us all straight to hades. Leave now, with your tails tucked back to your master's." he boasts, "Who am I kidding? We both know Zola will just send more of you ants. How about we all three go see what waits on the other side, eh" as he presses the ignition button on the detonator.

Anni can see everything happening in slow motion. Soldat reaches out to grab the relic before Xander explodes. Anni knows it's them or the relic. She grabs Soldat by his collar, pulling him into her arms and teleports them outside. As they hit the sand the entire fourth floor of the building they were just in explodes. "What..What did you do?!..The relic! You compromised our mission!" Soldat shouts furiously at Anni. But before she can respond more buildings begin to erupt. Soldat ducks from the debris raining down around them. "We have to get out of here!" Soldat shouts. Anni jumps up and into Soldat's arms. The first place Anni thinks about is the small base they departed from. In a cloud of dark blue smoke, Soldat and Anni disappear from the chaotic blast zone. They crash through the ceiling of the small hydra base, landing on a small table, breaking their fall. Anni lifting herself off of Soldat who is groaning at the warp speed travel crash course. They look up to see Ivan dripping from his freshly poured coffee, fuming.

Ivan paces back and forth before Anni and Soldat, "You let him destroy the relic? Do you know how valuable that piece was to our cause?" Ivan scowls. Soldat tries to answer, but Ivan throws up his hand, not interested in any excuse or reason that he could muster up. "You realize that there will be disciplinary actions for your failure?" Ivan says coldly. Soldat and Anni look at each other, Soldat is furious with Anni. They are both placed in cuffs, and hauled back to New Zealand to answer to Zola for their short comings.

Soldat and Anni are taken to the third layer of the hive bunker, and stood before Zola and Ivan. Zola is furiously screaming in German at them. "How could you let him destroy it? Do you value your own life more then that of our cause?" Zola screams, "Ivan, please remind them of what the reprocussions of failure are...". Ivan smiles, stepping forward, glaring at Soldat. He delivers a powerful hit to Soldat's abdomen. Soldat doesn't make a sound, and resumes his standing postion. Ivan deals another hit, and Anni is fighting to contain her emotions. But they become to much and she falls into an open vision. She sees Soldat at the bottom of a mountain ridge, horribly mangled. She sees glimpses of Hydra tearing at his shoulder, fitting the robotic piece to his body. She sees him awake on a dirty surgery table, tearing at the foreign object fused to his body.

She comes out of the vision screaming, "It was my fault! Soldat tried to grab the relic from Xander, but I brought us out of the building. I am the only one who values my life. Soldat was prepared to die for the cause." she pleads. Ivan takes a step back and looks at Zola waiting for his approval. "It is your lucky day Soldat. It seems Project Annihilation has a soft spot for your well-being. So.." he says softly, "You will deliver her punishment. Help hardened those soft spots. Remind her of who she belongs too." Ivan unshackles Soldat's hands, smiling smugly at him. Soldat turns to Anni, and their eyes meet. "Hail, Hydra.." he says remorsefully. Anni with tears in her eyes, "Hail, Hydra.." and Soldat begins. Self loathing running through him with every hit. But Anni never let's out a whimper. Zola finally calls off the beating. "Take her to medical. Surely she has learned her place by now." Soldat bends down picking up a battered Anni. Her face barely has skin color, as it is almost entirely black and blue. The blood spilling from her ears, cakes in her hair.

Soldat carries her to the Med-Ward. He gently lays her down, as her hand falls to the side. He reaches to take hold of her hand to place it on her stomach, when he feels a static shock. He drops to one knee as he sees scenes of Him carrying Anni in his arms, holding her while she slept embracing the sweet smell of her hair, seeing her burn brightly in the middle of a village as he kissed her glowing face. He falls backwards as he is released from the vision, hearing a haunting whisper of her voice in his head call out the name "Bucky".

The Med-Ward workers quickly push Soldat from beside Anni. He backs away, unable to take his eyes off her. "Who are we, Anni..." he whispers.