Hannalee 9

When the one called Jameson snapped at me, I had flinched. I knew that there would be non-believers in what I had to say, but his word dripped with such venom that it made me uncertain of myself. But I had already started.

And when alpha Travis silenced him, I actually felt comfort. So I continued.

"This world was once much larger. A large number of continents so much larger than what you know, with so many different races and species. All living together-"

"What other races were there?" The boy, Logan, asked, excitedly.

I heard a soft growl from alpha Travis, warning him of something.

"Well" ignoring the alpha's annoyance and answering Logan's question "there are feline shifters, and they're very diverse, bear shifters, bird shifters, reptilian shifters, Night walkers, Faery folk, and a few others. To be honest, it's kind of hard to remember them all."

"Why have we never heard of such races existing?" Alpha Travis asked, his brown eyes staring holes through me.

"Because of my people." I answered nervously, afraid to anger him. "Over a millennium ago, the races began to conflict with one another, each vying for more power and control. So my people stepped in to stop the rising fights. In order to avoid a war."

"Would war really have risen up from a conflict like that?" Samantha asked, nervously.

"There was a high probability of it, but my race made their move before any war could start. It's what we were made to do. Or, rather, what they were made to do. My mom agreed with everyone else that I was different from them." my eyes burned a little at the thought of my mom.

"How are you different?" Alpha Travis cut off the rising emotions.

I looked at him, then Dante, who nodded at me.

"She said that I'm not bound to our realms power, that if the realm died, I would still be fine, unlike everyone else. My people keep the realm going, and the realm does the same for them. They're linked for their entire lives. But I'm not. She thinks I was made special because there's a being who created the humans, most likely to cause more chaos."

"Weren't humans always around?" Jameson pointed out, still with clear annoyance.

"No. They were only made a few hundred years ago. But, just like how the Protectors can alter memories, so can whoever created humans. And likely, whoever created me."

"Why do you think that you were made, then? There must be a purpose." Alpha Travis asked.

"To change things, I guess." I answered uncertainly. "My mom said that the council believes any children I had would probably be like me, and it would be the key to changing the protectors, to make the world better, somehow."

"I have a theory" Dante interrupted.

I looked at him curiously.

"Speak" Alpha Travis nodded to him.

"I believe that you were created to repair the damage done by the Protectors. To reunite the realms." he stated, looking at me confidently. "And our children will be just as beautiful and powerful as you are. You are the key to changing the world, but not the way that the council thinks, because you are not like them. You can undo what they messed up."

I watched him, my cheeks heating further underneath the powder already covering them. Then I realized something else that he'd said. About having children. His children.

"But I can't conceive without magical help" I pointed out.

"No. You can conceive on your own. Your mom verified that last night, but you were too close to shifting to hear her." he stated, smiling nervously.

I gaped at him, my mind in a twist as I tried to understand everything he had just said, mixed with my own feelings. Memories of the night he held me, remembering how he had released inside. What if I was already pregnant? What if my mom was wrong? What if she was right? Was I really ready for that? Sure, I had mentally prepared for having a child with my assigned partner, but had I actually ever wanted that before meeting Dante? I felt so conflicted, my mind in turmoil.

His fingers wrapped around my hand, moving between my fingers, and squeezed it reassuringly. And he smiled anxiously, telling me that he was probably as conflicted as me. Not quite to the same level, but maybe on a more positive level. The look in his eyes told me that he wanted to believe it. That he wanted it to be true, easing my doubt and insecurity.

"You believe that she can fix the races and the realms? What's wrong with them?" alpha Travis broke my trance.

I finally looked away from Dante, to Travis, and said "They were separated. But it created an unbalance among the realms. Sort of like little bubbles that are each realm, where one little thing may cause the bubble to pop. If the realms were separated further, like if we tried to separate the humans of each realm from the other races, the world may completely fall apart. We don't know any specifics, only the possibilities."

"And what would reuniting the realms do?" Jameson asked, for once sounding not annoyed, but actually nervous.

"All of the races and the many realms would be brought back together, merged as if they had never been separated in the first place. Humans would still exist, but there would be a larger number of the other races, that it may create a new balance. However, there's also the risk of another power struggle. The risk of a war may still exist." I answered, hoping the logic of my words made sense to not only me, but to everyone else as well.

There was silence, as no one really knew what else to say. I leaned closer to Dante, needing to feel him closer, my body burning with that need. And he returned the touch, releasing my hand and wrapping his arm around my back.

"I believe that you should do it. Reunite the realms and bring the races together. Perhaps the threat of the humans could be the means of unite the races. Bringing a level of peace that not even these Protectors can predict." Samantha said, sounding completely certain of her words.

"And if war breaks out?" Jameson asked, anxiety in his voice.

"Then we deal with it then. We aren't like the humans. We can figure things out." Travis declared.

"We'll be declaring a war with the council if I do that" I pointed out.

"Fuck the council, they can't do anything to you if you don't allow it." Dante smiled viciously.

"I told you in the woods, that we're a family. You will be safe here. Do you not believe my words?" Travis asked, though I could tell that he already knew the answer.

"I do" I nodded to him.

"Then tell us how we go about doing this and we will begin making plans." Travis gave a tight, confident smile.