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The black circles under Ray-Bs eyes matched his coffee, and didn't go unnoticed by anyone at the station. "Who punched your sorry ass?" snickered the captain.

"It's called, another sleepless night, sir."


"Well, hell Ray-B, there's nothing new on those connected homicides!" "Go home!"

"I think I will take you up on that cappy!" Ray-B smiled a toothy smile and added, "I always knew you loved me!"


"Well now honey, go home and get some sleep!" Murmured the captain teasenly. Rolling the window down and adjusting the mirror as was Ray-B's custom. Turning on the radio and turning off his scanner, the realization that the rest of the day off hit him in small waves of euphoria.


Arriving home, he intentionally turned his phone to silent and plopped himself heavily upon his bed, instantly falling asleep.


Ray-B found himself in the same dream-state that he normally found himself since becoming possessed. Although he had been saved, the taint of evil still held on. Still haunted his dreams.


Everywhere he looked seemed like fog. Hazy, like his eyes were covered in film. Stumbling around like a blind man. He found himself in a ravine. The same ravine the demon put him in. Yet steeper on both sides.  He felt so disoriented, so confused. Where was he?

Which side was the right one? Why did he keep having the same nightmare? All he knew is that he couldn't sit still. He had to try, keep trying, keep moving forward.


Climbing wasn't something that came easy to him, yet with every inch higher came another thought, another dream, another silent wish. A wish to be free of this demon. He felt like a sloth, inching forward, one foot-hold to another. Yet with each attempt to get to the top, the very last reach, the very last push would always become his first. Always finding himself back at the bottom. The rocks giving way even before he touched them.


Suddenly and without warning, Ray-B would find himself conscious, with self-awareness flooding his mind. He would find himself again conscious. Conscious with huge lapses in time. Sometimes with whole days missing.

So many things had changed during the times when Ray-B was no longer in control, enslaved. A slave to the whims of the demon. One such change was that he was lacking in the ability to witness the actions of the demon as he had before. That worried him. 


Not seeing what the demon was up to, how the demon was constantly leaving behind evidence that could link him to the crimes it committed, culminating into an itch he could no longer scratch.

Sitting down, he began to mentally take note his options. There weren't many. Only one. It was a long shot. He knew that the only thing he could do was to find a way to get this demonic taint out of him. To get it exorsized. Cut out like a life-threatening cancer. He had to find a priest, a pastor, hell even a witch doctor would work. Maybe one who had some balls.


For now the only thing he could do is pray. Finding himself again in the ravine gave him time. Time that really didn't play by earthly rules. In the ravine a minute could be a day. In here there was no sense of time. He wondered if that was what heaven would be like... like a day in the sun...the best of all days.


Prostrating himself before God, he began to pray, to beg... "Dear Jesus, I know I haven't been a believer for very long and I don't know if you can even hear me from here. But, Lord Jesus, I believe that you sacrificed your life so that sinners like me can be saved. Please forgive me for all my sins and unbelief. Please cast the demon taint out of me."


With tears flooding his eyes, Ray-B revealed his soul before God, and became reborn. A sound like thunder bore down on him, lighting up the darkness. An earth-moving trumpet sounded, instantly casting the demon taint out of him


Ray-B reclaimed the rights to his body and his soul, with the help of his new friends, "Angels of the light."


Grateful to God for his new life. A life promised only to God. Every promise he made came flooding back to his mind. Everyone of which he had a mind to keep. Declarations to God. A booming voice raised Ray-B's short hairs... "You are hereby a demon caster!"


Ray-B no longer seemed in control of his body. His hands shot forward, palms up. A sword was then laid on them, sending a holy jolt of electricity through him. As he stood up, a light floated up from the sword and filled him. Filled him with purpose, with determination. 


Ever since all of his sins had been forgiven, he felt so light, like at any moment, he might float up to the ceiling. Such

elation! He felt an upload of heavenly knowledge.


"My marching orders!" No more demons, no more demonic taint!" thought Ray-B. From now on he was considered annointed. Annointed in holy oil. Christ's chosen.


Annointed to balance the scales between  "The Light" and "The Darkness." The very darkness that was now killing anybody that got in its way. Upsetting the balance and spurring Ray-B with purpose. The trumpet sounded again, ushering forth blood from his eyes and ears.


Ray-B began to weep. He wept for an unknown reason. He wept until he had no more tears. His tears damponed his pillow, they clensed his mind of the darkness he had witnessed.


Anything that "The Darkness" had touched left a taint. A taint of satans annointing oil, alive, (like the exoskeleton of a lokust) and although the demons were gone, the demonic taint also had to be cast out.


Ray-B was tired from all that he had gone through. He felt crudely violated, almost raped of his innocence. Barely making it to his bed, Ray-B slept. For once in his life he felt protected. Protected by Angels of "The Light." Sitting on the floor, against the bed was the "Sword of the light!"

As Ray-B awoke, he instantly kneeled down on the floor and began the day with a prayer. A silent reminder filled Ray-B with a renewed purpose.


Springing up with Godly energy, Ray-B had never before known. He actually skipped to his police cruiser.


"Where to begin," thought Ray-B. Turning on his scanner, rolling down his window, adjusting the mirror, Ray-B silently prayed for guidance. The guidance he needed to stop demons, and the demon taint.