Jack I

_ Pigeons cooing. Car honking in distance. Feathers flapping.

It is almost sundown

The roof deck is getting colder and colder as the day passes. Perhaps because winter is coming.

A pigeon is jabbing its beak at an object continuously.

" Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!! Billy what the heck?"

Came from under a blanket next to the smoke pipe. Taking off the blanket a blinding white image appears. The image appears to be two feets tall with head bigger than the entire body, small hands, small legs and a spooky eyes at the center of its plain white face, ears poking at the edges of the sides of the head, and a tiny nose that is almost unnoticeable, with an average mouth that immediately disappears when it is closed. Picking up the pigeon, it said "Oh, you've got a canker. Let's see what I have here" Tapping it's elongated head with a shape curved like a brain. "Okay we'll use an apple cider, and I'll find that in?" tapping it's head again "Yeah in the supermarket. Don't worry Billy, I'll take care of you, but you gotta stop waking me up from my sleep, it's the only time I can find my pair".

Standing up now, it ruffles a backpack, and brings out a journal that has a list of things scribbled.

_To do list!

1. Find my pair before the year runs out.

2. Avoid The un's at all cost

3. Try not to stalk Christine at the TMB

So, it added a number four. Get apple cider for Billy. Putting the journal back in place, it heard a creak from nowhere. "who's there?".

"Boo!" another image with the same description appears. "Wassup fella" the second image said. The voice of the second image is quite husky, perhaps it's older the first image.

"What are you doing here?" the first image said.

"Huh! You know the usuals." it replied "Me and me buddies going to The un's meeting, there is a lot of freebies this time. The elder un herself prepares all the treats, so you coming or what?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?, you can't use 'is' for a plural word, you use 'are'. And No! I'm not coming. I'm not wasting my time hanging around some bunch of dumbos. So if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to get to the supermarket."

"Come on Lil un, it'll be fun"

"My name is not Lil un, my name is jack" putting on its backpack now

"How do you know your name is Jack?,

And don't tell me because it's an hero's name, Kid you're no hero"

"Yes! I assume it is my name because I assume I belong to an hero, so call me Jack". Jack started walking

"Okay, Jack" it's said rolling its eye "I'm coming witya"

"NO!", "I'll cover more grounds if I'm alone, I'm going alone" jack said.

"Well then, I'll go tell the un's where to find you" the image said, making its way down.

"Okay, stop. But we do this my way, okay?" jack said

"Yeah yeah yeah, sure thing".

*At the supermarket*

The sign read _The Big Jo's.

"Okay we go in at the front door, and leave at the back door. Our mission is just to get a bottle of apple cider, cool?" jack asked.

"Yeah cool" the image replied.

The bell rang announcing the arrival of customers, they sneak in with the new arrivals. Heading straight to the baking section. Jack collected the vinegar, making his way to the back door, glancing at his back he sees his companion picking items in a basket.

"What are you doing" he said in a whisper.

"I'm shopping?." it replied as if it was stating a fact.

" I know but we only need this" holding up the bottle, he whispered again.

"Why are you whispering, they can't hear us" it stated.

Jack cleared his throat as he realizes what it said was true. "We can't be here for too long, the humans will keep forgetting, and when that happens the rebels will show up, and we both know how much of a bully they are" jack said matter of factly, not whispering this time.

"OH come on, don't you wanna get something for yourself? Look around there is so much to grab here"

Jack reluctantly scrutinize his surroundings, finding the books section, he succumb. "Okay we grab just five more items, so you pick three things and I pick two more, okay?"

"Yeah right" it snouts.

Jack head to the book shelves, he saw lists of novels on astronomy, his favorite, he picked one he hasn't read before. In a corner at the end of a shelf, he saw a blue dairy, as he was heading to pick it up, his companion ran to him, shouting "Kid we gotta go, the rebels found us"

"What! What did you do?" he saw a bag at it's back, full of candy's and chocolate. "Didn't I tell you to pick just three things, this is all your fault" jack said with anger.

"What do we do, what do we do. We can't let them find us" it panicked

"How many?" jack asked

"Four angry ones" he replied with fear

"Okay, we can outrun them. We run to the backdoor as planned and then we split, you head to the TMB, and I'll distract them" jack said quickly stuffing the blue diary into his backpack.

"Thanks Jack I owe you one"

They ran to the door, the so called rebels has the same structure as the duos, but their color is red instead of white. The four started running after them, a lot faster than the two. Jack took the left route while his companion took the right, the red images ran after Jack. But he out run them, he climbed a pipe leading to the roof deck that he supposedly chose to be his home.