
Chapter Ten: Family Planning

He usually went straight home from the office, but today Aiden wanted to see her. Casse and that dress had been on his mind all day. Even with the Office Barbie debacle, Casse had still been in the back of his conscious thought..standing in front of the elevator waiting for him...smiling as he came back, wearing the jacket matching her dress...biting her lip as he pinned her against the back wall of the elevator... she sound she had made as he slid the hem of that beautiful dress up her thigh. The sound of a car horn blaring, broke him from the welcome trap of his thoughts.

“Damn.” He had to look around a bit to realize where he was. Downtown had given way to a much more suburban landscape. He had been driving on autopilot, apparently, and his internal radar was taking him to the object of his obsession. He smiled and punched the gas, just a little.