
Chapter Twelve: Family Matters

Casse and May had been friends almost since conception. Their mother’s had considered themselves to be modern day hippies. Natural clothing, culturally accepting, dancing in the grass hippies.

Before the girls were born, their parents had planned to get pregnant together and to give birth to her best friend's child’s best friend.

Elizabeth and Micah Duncan had always wanted a baby. They didn’t care if it was a boy or girl, they truly just wanted a happy, healthy baby. Not for continuation of the species, or to take over Micah’s lawncare empire, but purely for selfish reasons. They wanted something of themselves that they could love, unconditionally. Something they could leave behind to prove that the world was in fact not all bad, because it had a little bit of them in it. A little bit of them, and a whole new, amazing and wonderful creature that would be a benefit to mankind and know who he or she was, without question.

They named their girl child Mayflower.