Chapter 25

---Helios POV---

Something didn't feel right. I felt an eerie presence glooming overhead. I brought the children inside and asked Eros to watch them. As I reached the front door I looked out to see Elea walking to the end of the road, where someone who looked like Adam stood.

"Adam, can you hear me?" I sent him a mental message.

"What do you want?" He sounded irritated.

"You're not outside talking to Renae?"

"No.. Who's she talking to?" Just then I began running to her, as I was running I watched the damned nymph shift back into her own form.

"Renae! Don't go near her!" Just as Renae turned around she finished forming and Renae fell to the ground behind her. I lifted my hand exposing the heat of the sun and dried her till she was only skin and bones.

"What are you doing?" I demanded as I stood in front of Renae.

"I simply wished to speak to the ruler of this word." Her voice was dry and cracked.

"About what? You could have requested a visit. Everyone has a phone to call and schedule."

"Not us nymphs.. nor the mermaids."

"That's a lie, I made it a point to make sure every creature in this world has a phone, whether it be a smart, shell, or even a rock for the trolls." Renae stood up behind me and grabbed my arm.

"You just expect us to know how to use them?"

"If you don't know how to use them then you can take that up with the one in charge of the nymphs, she said her name was Nymphai." I crossed my arms and stepped back as she pulled the water from the ground.

"Not all of us follow her. She is a nymph of nature, she has no control of water spirits or mountains." She stood back up in a puddle she just created.

"Then why would you trick me like that?"

"Rae, nymphs can be very manipulative. They're not as important as gods so whenever they see a chance to trick one, they take advantage of it." I took a step back as Renae pulled on my arm again.

"That's not true. We simply wish to serve you gods." She smirked at me.

"I am not afraid to fry you like a fish again. Now leave. If you want to talk, call the number that has been given to everyone. You're not welcome here."

"I'm aware. I shall go see Nymphai to figure this.. thing out." She turned in her puddle and began gliding away as the puddle stayed beneath her feet.

"Renae?" Adam ran right past the nymph towards me, or rather towards Elea.

---Renaes POV---

"Adam.. please tell me it's really you this time.." I let go of Helios arm and stepped back feeling my head throb.

"Of course it's me, what do you mean this time?" He said slowly approaching me.

"Renae, it really is him this time. Excuse me, I have some buisness to attend to." He whistled calling his chariot. He got on and was gone in a flash.

"Renae, what's going on?" Adam walked towards me. Then it swirled in my thoughts, the ones who weren't real wouldn't touch me. Without a moments hesitation I jumped towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Rae?" He asked as he held onto me.

"I'm so confused Adam.. I wasn't sure if you were real or not.."

"Why would you think I'm not real?" He whispered into my ear.

"I saw you, or what I thought was you.. when I first got here. Then just now, that nymph- thing disguised herself as you so I would talk to her and.." I stopped talking and held onto him. My mind just refused to stop spinning.

"Hey, it's okay.. I'm here now." His arms wrapped tighter around me.


"Why are you here anyways?" Eros asked as I sat on the couch in front of the twins.

"Helios got ahold of me and said Renae was talking to someone outside, he thought it was me and I got worried. I couldn't just let it go. I had to make sure she was okay." He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.

"You realize you didn't have to stay right?" My chest sunk as I tightened my grip on his hand.

"I realized, that even though you're a god, I still have to protect my wife.. and her mental health too." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. I reached my hand to the spot his lips just touched and felt my body spark. "What's the matter?"

"I just.. that's the first time that you've kissed me since we got back."

"I didn't even notice." He looked confused as he scanned his memories. "I guess I just wanted to protect myself I didn't even put what you needed into consideration. I'm sorry."

"Plenty of time to make up for it." I smiled as I leaned in and pressed my lips to his as his hand grabbed the back of my neck.

"I just need to get use to you being back. I'm sorry." He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine.

"You don't need to be sorry for not being okay emotionally. You're allowed to hurt but you're not allowed to make sure you stay hurt. Okay?" I rested my hand on his cheek.

"I know. Thank you." He kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. I could feel his breath against the skin of my neck. Each moment he touched me excited me but he needed time, and I am more then willing to give him whatever he needs.

--One Week Later--

"Poseidon. I know you're in there. Open up and talk to me before I kick the door in." I rolled my eyes standing outside of one of his temples.

"Always so quick to turn things violent." I heard his voice behind me. Intimidating as ever.

"Why was I poisoned with the venom from Medusa's snakes?" I turned around trying to stay as calm as I could manage.

"How should I know? Maybe you're people aren't to be trusted." He huffed crossing his arms.

"Your son was the last one to have her head. He's not supposed to be in my world. Don't you dare go accusing anyone else."

"I shall accuse anyone I wish to accuse. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to curse me with feelings? Make me cry over some melted ice cream?" He laughed in my face.

"No. First I'll go to Zeus and speak with him about stripping you of your powers, to live for a few human lifetimes. While you're human I'll make sure you're completely miserable with no happiness. Or I can just kick your ass right now." I didn't waver, almost the same as when Jefferson and I had our first brawl.

"I'd like to see you try. Zeus is MY brother. He'd never stoop so low."

"Tell me what your son was doing in my world and I won't ask my uncle for a favor. Do not forget I am his favorite niece." I crossed my arms again and glared at him. He stood there for a minute and thought before speaking.

"Fine.. I truly do not know what my son has been doing. I haven't spoken with him for a few years now."

"Do you at least know where I can find him?"

"Now that I will not be telling you. You have the nerve to threaten me, why would I trust you to speak with my offspring?" He took a threatening step towards me.

"I threaten you because there has never been any other way to speak with you. Why do you hate me so much? What have I done to make you hate me so?"

"Elea, that is enough. Poseidon, tell her where Percy is." Zeus said from behind me making me jump into Poseidons arms.

"Get off of me!" He pushed me to the ground.

"Like it was intentional! Zeus! Quit sneaking up on me!" I yelled as I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Poseidon. Tell her where my nephew is." He smirked.

"She wanted nothing to do with our family or our way of life. I owe her nothing!" He shouted. I looked into his eyes and saw he did choose to have emotions. He was hurt and angry.

"I wanted everything to do with my family. I was tired of all the manipulation and foolishness. Do you expect everyone to be in love with you!" I yelled taking a step towards him.

"I expect nothing from you anymore." His emotions seemed to vanish. He took a step back and turned around.

"You should be able to find him at the camp in Elysium. Say hi to my father for me." His voice sounded completely neutral. He ceased to care any longer.

"Thank you.. and for what it's worth, I am sorry Poseidon." I stared at his back before turning to run towards Elysium, now with Zeus.


"Percy!" I screamed as soon as I saw him.

"Shi-" I barely heard him say before he started running. I ran with my speed and stopped in front of him grabbing his arm.

"Let me go!" He screamed in my face.

"Percy.. what were you doing in Empurity?" Zeus rubbed his temples as he walked towards us.

"I-I.. Uh.." He couldn't get the words out. He was scared, I could feel it.

"Percy. I'm going to let you go. I'm a lot faster and stronger so when I let you go, you'll stay right here or I'll tackle your ass when you bolt. Am I understood?" I sighed at his fear. I didn't want to scare him, I just wanted answers.

"There's a bet going around about how long Empurity will last amongst the gods and demi-gods.. I was paid to make sure it's no more then a month.." I let him go and stared at him in confusion.

"You're taking money now? Seriously? What do you need money for?" Zeus started rampaging.

"Who paid you?"

"I-I can't say.. Do you know how much crap I'll be in if I tell you?" He pleaded.

"Do you know how much crap you're in now? I bet that it'd last eighty years!" Zeus smacked him.

"ZEUS!" I smacked him forgetting my strength as I watched him fly ten feet back on his rear.

"Okay- I deserved that." He rubbed his arm.

"I'm sor- I'm kind of sorry. I didn't mean to hit that hard." I walked over helping him up.

"That was just a love tap?" Percy gulped.

"It was meant to be. I have to get used to this strength again." I sighed as Zeus smiled at me.

"Okay.. I'll just be going now.." Percy tried to say.

"Remember what I said about bolting? I'll tackle you and since I'm still not used to my strength it'll hurt like hell." I slowly turned around glaring at him the entire time.

"Okay. Okay, I got it. I'm staying." He sat on the ground.

"Just tell me who paid you. I'd like to get home to my family."

"I thought gods didn't have families?"

"Of course gods have families. How do you think you and Poseidon are related? He's your father after all." I rolled my eyes and sat on the ground across from him.

"..Gods don't really see anyone as family, even their own blood. We only use the term because it's the people closest to us. We're all technically related in some way but not all of us are close enough to call family. Family is more of a human thing anyways." Zeus sat down next to me.

"Poseidon refereed to Percy as his son. He even just yelled at me saying I wanted nothing to do with the 'family' so obviously there's some that do use the term."

"Some but not very many. I don't refer to anyone as my family. I just have certain favorites. Considering it'd be awkward if I did because I'm married to my sister." He laughed.

"I guess you kind of have a point there.. by the way, ew." I shuttered at the thought of being with my brother.

"It's just not how most gods function. Some gods are protective of their offspring like Erebos and Nyx are protective over you or how Demetor is protective over Persephone. It's our own personal choices."