---Helios POV---
"What's that up there?" I asked as we walked on the water.
"I think it's Crete. Just a little further. Keep Zeus in the center." Kronos called out taking the lead.
"Keep your eyes peeled and keep searching for her." Astraios yelled running to someone on the beach.
"P-please help!" He called out laying on the sand.
"Braxton?" I asked as we approached.
"She's around here somewhere. She's using me as a distraction to kill Zeus!" He yelled fighting the boulder placed on his leg.
"I know." Kronos hissed holding a knife by the blade. "She has terrible aim for someone who is supposedly so skilled." He threw the knife and walked further into the fog where screaming started to grow from.
"I guess that's that then. A bit anticlimactic." Astraios smirked as he lifted the boulder enough for me to drag Braxton out from under it.
"Do you have her?" Zeus called out as we stood around the edge of the water.