"Where are we?" Mila asked as she stepped through the portal.
"We're close to Jegudiels home. I remember this field like the back of my hand." Eve smiled as she looked around the field of wheat.
"How can you know a field like the back of your hand? Not to mention it all looks the same no matter where you look?" Mr.K said as he looked everywhere in hopes of finding a house or some kind of structure.
"That's because it's hidden. He placed pebbles all around for me to find my way. The ones that look like they belong, are the ones that lead to his hidden house. It was one of the first lessons he tried to teach me, follow nature and for what belongs because if you follow something out of place, you'll make yourself lost." She pointed to the grey and brown pebbles at her feet and followed them along a trail.
"What's going on? Who's Jega-who?" Jack asked, his vision blurred.
"Don't worry, just keep ahold of my hand.