I miss you.
I tried calling the number but it only rings. It reached 5 before I stopped. Maybe he got the number wrong. What are the odds for someone to text it in wrong number? It seem too personal for me to even read it. I just let it be. I just hope that the one who is supposed to have this will be able to know what this person felt, if of course he noticed that he got the wrong number.
I got to home safe, removed my sweater, put the paper in the bag that I will use tomorrow just laid myself on the bed. For the past years, I never really tried to doing something for me to remember what I have in the past, if I have friends or someone I could consider special. What are the things that I consider special and the things that I dislike before.
My alarm was the reason why I woke up the next day. With what I thought last night, I decided to look for something that could make me remember my past. Maybe I could ask my parents about it, they might help me.