It had already been a month since we came to school and we finally feel like we were settling in. However, the Teachers

were crossed about this free education program to the point that we were always almost every day being rained with countless insults here and there. Sometimes they even refuse to teach, instead will insult us all day. We never asked for this. Our parents were perfectly capable of bringing us to school without this free education policy. But what can we do, we just have to endure. We never even asked for this.

( a/n: for my foreign viewers the free education system was a policy that was brought by my country's current government and their ideology is to make schooling free and accessible to all pupils and students across the country. But this posed has a great disadvantage to some people especially teachers, hence the protest and showering off insults on us students. As you read on you guys will get to further understand our education system. thank you. Enjoy.)

" It's lunch break wanna grab some bite to eat. What should we get though? " Fei inquired.

" I feel like taking in some fruits today. Maybe we can buy fries and pepper sauce with some sausage or chicken too." Mimi suggested.

" That sounds yummy to my taste buds. I can practically feel it in my mouth already. " Fei groaned while imagining it.

" Come let's go you, foodie, always thinking of food and also drooling over it. While most girls should drool over good-looking boys, you are here salivating over food instead. " Mimi said sounding so fed up with Fei's food addiction.

" Hey! Boys are good and all but food always comes first for me and food will always be a choice over boys. "

Fei had to just defend her food no matter the circumstances. She loves and adores food more than you could ever imagine.

" Oh on the issue of boys, isn't someone crushing on you. "

" Who might that be, because I don't see anyone, let alone interested."

" Isn't that guy in class always staring at you every second of the day." Fei hinted.

" Which guy are you talking about Fei, there are a lot of guys in the class, so who're you pinpointing? " Mimi responded crossing her hands over her bust.

" ooh please spare me the sass, with your facial expression, you know who I'm referring to, don't you? " Fei said with her eyebrows going up and down and a wide cheeky grin on.

" Cut the crap Fei and let's just eat before lunch break is over." Mimi knew all too well who Fei was talking about and just decided to turn a blind eye to it. But she already had someone back home and even though they didn't have much time together as a couple, still they made it work somehow. They were good friends before they even started dating though.

" Stop playing dumb with me Mimi. Be honest with me, don't you have the slightest bit of interest in him at all, besides, Lander is good-looking and has a firm build, I bet it will feel so warm in his embrace. So what do you think."

" Stop being delusional Fei, we're not in one of your comics or Manga, okay, and keep your fantasies to yourself, damn I prefer it when you are all freaky crazy about food instead of boys. "

" Whatever, I'm done here, let's go to class. " Fei uttered and stands up to leave not caring about anything at all. Sometimes Mimi wonders how she will survive.







" Hey, Mimi, can I talk to you for a second, alone, please. There's something I want to tell you. " Lander said to Mimi while glancing at Fei beside her.

" Okay sure, Fei would you mind waiting for me," Mimi asked trying to get Fei's reassurance.

" No problem but don't keep long, you know we have a curfew. I'll be waiting for you in the next class. " Fei said walking towards the exit and leaving the two alone.

" So what's it you want to say. Go on I'm all ears."

" This may sound cliche and unrealistic but I'll go straight to the point. "

" Mimi I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend. "












P. S. Thoughts and comments, please. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks.