Chapter 1


Hello Everyone!

I am Hanna Cart. I am not so-pretty daughter of a farm owner, my father. We are not rich, as like brats out there. Haha. Just kidding. We live in a far, small village in the town ruled by a royal family. My father used me to do some royal etiquettes that I hate very much.

I always ask my Father why he's doing this and doing that and he just say that I'm the princess of their family and he and my mom just laugh at me.

I snorted at my parents who teach me how to be a respectful and very kind to others. They said we may belong to poverty, we still have to be kind even the ones are rich. My mom says "We may be the most poor at the whole universe, just keep in mind, being kind is the most precious thing in the world we have."

One day, I saw many men going to our small but simple house. I know that the Governor is my father's cousin, my father is rich before, Uncle Fred said. But my grandfather disowned him because of his love for my mother.

I saw many royal carts and horses I've never seen in my life. Yes, I've never saw many colorful and golden coated carts at my age, 18.

I badly want to go out, but father is there as well as my mother. I just stayed at the living room peeking at the small hole at the window, I saw my father talking to my uncle.

"Where's my beloved niece?" Uncle Fred asked.

"She's inside. Why are you here Mr. Governor?" Father said to my uncle.

"Your Father summoned me to fetch your daughter for the selection of the Crown Prince's wife. You know, royal things."

"Sometimes, I thought I am not a Duke's son anymore."

My eyes widened. My father? A Duke's Son?!

What the chicken?!

"Uncle Daniel said that you must go with your family already back to the palace where you belong. You must uplift yourself already. You are the Future Duke of this Province. Your daughter is your heiress. She will be our family's legacy."

I saw my father and my mother tensed at what they heard. Me? A heir? A future heiress of a duke?

That's very funny. I am surprised that my father is a heir, my uncle is the Governor, and me? A candidate?

That's a very funny joke. i laughed out loud but many eyes are trailed at me.

My father, mother and uncle are inside of house. My mom pulled me at the bathroom and she make over me.

Instantly, I am a normal woman already. Well, I am an abnormal person. Like loose-threaded maybe?

I am surprised that my Mom and Dad already changed. I am wearing a off-shoulder knee dress that hugs my curves, my mom placed a low heel sandals, enough for me to walk.

We came out from our house and we came in the carriage.

Hours passed by, We are already at the Town. Royal Guards bowed at us, and brought us to a.. Limousine?!

I am shining! No, I am a very humble woman, always keep in mind.