Bad Day!

The next day, all the girls are asked to come to a very important meeting. "Ok, so since you're all here we can start," he states excitedly. I sigh deeply and ask Delilah, "Has this ever happened before?" She nods and states, "Only with extremely important and dangerous clients." I shiver at the thought of death. "So we all know gang members are regular customers and we have some of those coming as well as some very potentially dangerous customers who could kill since they request home visits and some that could destroy the livelihood you know," he states then continues his son by his side never wavering in looking at me, "lets keep these thoughts in mind as we go out today and as some come in."

We all scatter. "Are you going out today?" I ask her nervously. "Probably," she states and sighs deeply, "don't worry I'll be fine." "When will they give us the list and details of how to attend to these men coming today?" I ask rather shyly. "I'm not sure but I'm sure soon since they'll probably come at night because they're dangerous after all," she states confidently. Soon after they all receive their notices about the men who're coming and who they will be attending to and how they must attend to them. "All the men I'm going to are requesting outside visits," Delilah states nervously showing apprehension for the first time. "Are you scared cause they're trained killers?" I ask making the situation more tense while sitting in her room preoccupied with a vast array of colors, books and pictures.

"Of course!" She states with tears in her eyes, "what happens to you if I don't come back?" "Hey, you will come back and we will watch our movie together on our day off," I state with enthusiasm. "So who do you have?" She asks me kindly. "The leader of the gang and some other random people but all here," I state confused. "Your too young to go outside. The manager will never let a fourteen year old go outside especially in this crazy world we are living in," she states seriously, "they never let me go out until I was eighteen." "I'll only get to see the world in four years time, that's unfair!" I state annoyed because all I've ever seen and known are these horrible grey walls and the sunlight that shines through the window every now-and-again. These windows and this building doesn't shed light on the world around me, but it tends to create more questions that are left unanswered. She notices my sour expression and states, "Be glad that you know nothing about the outside world and that you've only ever experienced these horrors because you can still maintain the fantasy of your imagination about the world you've never seen. You can imagine how great it is and never actually know what its really like." "I'm turning fifteen tomorrow and your turning twenty-four so you better live till then,"I state seriously giving her the impression that I won't forgive her if she doesn't come back to me.

I finish my shift which is finish early because of a fight between the two gang leaders over me, and so I got so many bruises, they got kicked out and now we have issues with where some of the girls are. I'm just sitting and waiting for Delilah. The manager comes to me and states, "So many girls didn't make it to their appointments and have gone missing. I'm sorry to say that Delilah is one of them and the police called, so now we're in even more trouble so we have to get going." "What about Delilah? Where'd they find her?" I ask with tears in my eyes and sobs jolting my body like lightening bolts. "I...I wish I knew, but they refused to tell me where they found her but she's gone and the funeral will be held soon. We have to leave if we want to stay together and continue living," he states like their's no other choice. I nod sadly and try to get up but fail miserably. He sighs and states, "Great more problems." All the girls look at me and sigh deeply, they get into the vans as soon as directed, not having a choice but to obey. It all clicked then, the manager wasn't my family, the girls were because they didn't want to be here or leave me behind. "Are you going to leave me?" I asked as I could see the girls lining up and getting into vehicles, there were hundreds of us and I knew them all. "No you're coming with me so we will leave last," he states and sighs deeply.

The next thing everyone gets thrown into a panic when these people come claiming authority and tell us to get down on the ground, remain there and hands up. The man states, "You're all being detained for prostitution and have the right to remain silent." Everyone sighs deeply and they all start sobbing, the manager raises a gun to my head and states, "Let me go or I kill her." All the girls gasp in horror at his methods, since they all know I make quite a lot of the profit since my customers have known me since I came here. "What're you doing?" I whisper to him and try to get away. "Saving you," he whispers in my ear. Then he sees his son being dragged out by the men. "Give him over to me and you can have this girl," the manager states with fear and dread evident. "You aren't saving me!" I state to him and he sighs. The men whisper to each other and nod in agreement. "Bring her here and we'll bring him to you, we'll meet in the middle," the woman states authoritatively.

At the middle, they switch us but start chasing them soon after. I'm put in handcuffs along with all the other girls. All the girls are put in police cars and escorted to the police station. I've never heard of such things, the girls had to explain to a few of us what they are and were. I was terrified but yet amazed at all the sights, the colors, the buildings, the green-thing with a brown bottom, the colorful objects in the green field, all different colors. Even though it was nighttime it was all amazing to my eyes. All I'd ever seen were people and the grey walls that surrounded me since childhood. Even though my hands are behind my back and the cops are busy questioning my friends I've never felt freer. All the questions, if directed to me, aren't heard as I stare at the wonders of the world. The two girls in the backseat with me are much older so they also go to outside guys, but they seem extremely nervous and don't want to answer any questions. The cops give up questioning in the police car.

As soon as we arrive at the police station, we are all separated into multiple rooms. I see all my friends dispersing and coming out crying, some begging for mercy and understanding but receiving none of that. I am then taken into a room to be questioned. "Ok so let's start," the woman who kind of saved my life says kindly. I nod and start sweating profusely because everything's new to me. I don't know my rights, the rules of speaking or how to act or what to do. "What's your name?" She asks politely. "Lavender," I state nervously. "Full name please," she asks politely. "What's that? That's my full name," I state seriously. "You don't have a surname or anything like that?" She asks seriously. "No, can you give me an example of what that is exactly?" I ask hoping it's ok to do so. "Well like my name is Amy Matthews," she states sweetly. "Oh no, my names just Lavender,"I state truthfully. "Um that's strange. Are you sure your not lying about that?" She asks seriously. I nod aggressively. "Do you have any family you know of here that we can contact so that they can come get you or help you out in some way?" She asks politely. "No, only the girls you took. They're the only people I've ever known since I was like four," I state truthfully, "can I ask you a question?"

She nods. "Do you know Delilah? She died today while doing her job and I was just wondering where you found her," I ask politely. "Her case came in today and we're still investigating so its classified," she states sweetly. "She was just like my sister, she helped me through the hardest times and she was always there for me," I say while sobbing, the tears falling to the marble floor. "Look I just need to know why you made this choice and how old you are?" She asks and states politely. "I'm fifteen tomorrow and she would've been twenty-four, we met when I was seven and she was sixteen. She saved me, literally. I didn't make the choice, the choice was made for me. That's been my home since I was four-years-old and they gave me the name Lavender. I don't even know anything about this world, this world is new and fascinating with all its colors and shapes," I state amazed and sad. She stares at me in amazement and states, "You will have to go to court tomorrow and talk about everything that's ever happened. We will see if they believe this story, but I doubt they will it sounds fake to anyone and everyone," she states sweetly. "I just wanted to survive and its the only things I've ever known," I say sadly. She nods and I'm escorted to a prison cell with all the girls, they hug me tightly. "Did you tell them everything?" They ask. I nod and they state, "Us too, but they didn't believe us. We don't have family but some have made the choice and they didn't admit it, they lied. I just wish they'd believe us."

I thought and thought about what Delilah said, that the world I knew was bad but nothing compared to this one. I see that now, because no one can believe anyone here but instead they make you prove you're truthful and I understand why its because people lie. I sigh deeply and think at least here I have a say, I can speak and try to make people understand me, but in there I just had to do as I was told.

The cards that I've been dealt sucked but now they depend more on me then on the cards, I have to decide which cards to play and which to keep for a better ending to the game. I have to play the right cards and hope that the cards I play will make people realize that I'm worth the chance, I should be given more cards so that I can learn and do better when it comes to my choice of what to play later again. I want to be different but I need people to see what Delilah saw and I want to find what I missed and who I am.