The Big Bad World

I try to walk out of the school and sprint to the outside world but Kris isn't far behind me. He grabs me and holds me tightly. "Let me go!"I scream and everyone turns their attention to me as they make their way to class. "Stop making a scene Lavender. I haven't done anything wrong to you,"Kris says as he slowly releases her. "You wouldn't know would you? You wouldn't remember me. I just thought it would be great information for you and your friends that the prostitution den is closed. It got raided by the police a few days ago,"I say seriously as I break out of his grasp and walk away. He looks at her dumbfounded. "And what does that matter to me, you or them?"Kris asks as he catches up with her even though the bell has rung, "talk to me while we go to your class." "You would hate me more if you knew but it applies to them because if they go there they will be imprisoned for having sex with minors. You because you used to go there so I thought you would like to know and me because I lived my whole life...."I say in anger but then stop myself. "Tell me,"Kris says patiently. I shake my head. He walks me to my class and says, "Were you born there?" I shake my head. He sighs and shoves me into the English class.

"And you are?"a young lady asks politely. "Lavender Delilah Jackson,"I mutter and take a seat. She nods and says, "I'm Ms. Williams." I nod and sit down. "Today we will be doing some reading and writing. We will read out loud. Ms Jackson please go first,"Ms Williams says politely. I sigh knowing that everyone is basically targeting me today. "So the title is Romeo and Juliet,"Ms Williams says encouragingly. I know that story. I decide to recite the story to the best of my ability. The whole class applauds when I’m done 'reading' the story. "Such good reading young lady,"Ms Williams says proudly, "now we will write our own version of this story and read it out. Since Ms Jackson is new we will let her go first." I write nothing on my page but I go up and tell my story. The class applauds. "Thank you Ms Jackson. I would like to keep your story. Please pass me the page,"Ms Williams says. I pass the paper to her even though I know it's empty. The teacher looks at the page and her eyes widen. "You recited the story by heart without writing anything and remembered every word without stuttering,"Ms Williams says in astonishment.

The whole class then goes and reads their stories. Kris then comes to pick me up but Ms Williams stops me. "Oh Kris come in. I wanted to talk to you about Lavender. She has an amazing memory and her reading is spot on,"Ms Williams says with amazement. "Ms Williams, she cannot read,"Kris says politely. "But she...oh my she memorized the whole story of Romeo and Juliet and recited it word-for-word,"Ms Williams says as she looks at me, "she's a genius." Kris sighs but thanks her and takes me with him.

Kris looks over at me and says, "So you are smart but you just need a little help getting there." I sigh and look at him, "I don't forgive you." "Why? What have I done to you?"Kris asks as he stops and looks me in the eye. "You wouldn't remember me. That prostitution den...ugh it doesn't matter,"I say as I continue walking, "what class do I have next?" "PE. Stop changing the subject and just finish your sentences,"Kris says as his anger rises. "I will only tell you when we aren't in school and if I actually trusted you not to judge me but everyone's judging me before they even know what I have done," I say as I continue walking. Kris sighs and leads me to my classroom.

"Hello and you are?"the PE teacher asks. "Lavender Delilah Jackson,"I say and the teacher nods. "I'm Coach Cathy Daniels,"the middle-aged lady says happily. She blows a trill sounding hand-held device. "Do laps!"she shouts and I flinch. I am slow to move but as I see what people are doing I copy their actions. I listen to nothing, but whoever the teacher praises constantly I copy effectively. "Well done everyone. Ms Jackson well done for your first day,"Coach says with a slight smile. Everyone walks in the same direction as they leave the class. I wait for Kris to come but he never comes so I sit and wait there. The Coach comes out of the room and sees me sitting there. "Hello Ms Jackson. Why aren't you having lunch?"Coach says sweetly. "I didn't know it was lunch time and I don't know where to go. was supposed to take me around today but he seems to have disappeared,"I say as my stomach growls but it doesn't faze me.

"Well follow me,"Coach says. The Coach takes me to the teachers room and makes me sit beside her. The math teacher comes in and notices me. "Not having lunch?"he asks me politely. "I don't have lunch,” I says unfazed but happy that I am not alone. All of a sudden, Kris' friends come in from outside the school and Kris is with them. I sigh deeply. My teachers notice my disposition. "What's the matter?"the teacher ask me. "No one knows anything about me. Where I'm from, my real name or who my parents are and yet they treat me like I've committed some crime when they don't even know why I'm with them in the first place. You don't know if the judge put me in your home because I'm a witness or a victim,"I say with tears in my eyes and I start outright sobbing. All the teachers’ eyes widen as they look at the broken girl that is me.

"Why are you here?"the teachers ask me politely. "I...I don't want to say,"I say as I sniffle. Kris knocks on the teachers door. "Sorry I went out with the guys somewhere,"Kris says as he motions for me to come. I glare at him, my heart hurt because I knows where he went. I walk towards him and walk right passed him. I then sprints towards the school door but I don’t make it far when the principle comes into view. I fall to the ground and sob. I turn to Kris and say, "You want to know why I am so upset with you! I used to live there and work there ever since I was four-years old! I was deprived of everything I was supposed to have to please people like you and your friends who never care that some people never actually want to be there! Ever!"