A Race to the Sea

Once I get up, I get dressed in my riding gear and attempt to make my way to breakfast but when I open my door I find Radley about to knock.

He scratches his head nervously, “I guess this is not a good time.” I shake my head, “We can talk on the way.” He nods, “Who is Kyle?” Fear builds inside me as I look at Radley and say, “He is…someone I knew a while ago that was not a very nice person.”

Radley looks at me with confusion as we make our way through the halls and towards the kitchen for a quick snack before going to the stables.

”Was he one of your captors?” He asks curiously. “He was the son of my captor,” I say seriously as my palms sweat. My guards are following, closely, behind and I notice the officer watching me as we enter the kitchen.

She comes up to me and curtsies. “Your Highness,” she says to me, “please stay safe today.” I nod and thank her as I grab an apple before heading to the stables.