Off to the Gamboge Forests

I stare into space as my stomach churns and the food I did not eat appears to be stuck at the top of my throat. I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet a little as I feel physically sick from that disgusting letter.

I sit on the bathroom floor and rock myself back and forth until I hear the maids coming to gather the bags that were packed last night so as to travel this afternoon. I quickly compose myself, let them in and then dress up for the day ahead.

Once it is time to leave everyone bids me goodbye, but Ciril and Marigold seem tense as they watch me leave in my carriage, so I give them a reassuring smile. I soon notice that Radley is sitting beside me and I just lay on his lap, drifting into a restless sleep.

Once the sun starts the set, I wake up to find that we are crossing the river on a bridge.

Radley looks at me with concern, "You okay? I thought you would never wake up." I nod, "Yeah, I am fine. Just tired."