He ignored me as we were looking for food, he's really piss at me ah.
"Hey im sorry okay." Guilty I said, I poke him, "Hey, sorry."
He really doesn’t pay attention to me. I poke him again, "Sorry." I said sincerely to him.
He sighed, he stopped and faced me "Fine. Just don't do it again."
I smiled, "Okay. Wait we won't call the others?" I asked in astonishment.
He frowned, "They leave you but your thinking about them." Seems like he said angrily.
I also wrinkled my forehead. "Why not?" I wonder question. "And also it's nothing to me now." Shrugging my shoulders.
He sighed again. "Fine. Let's find them." Before walking back to the play station.
When we got there we immediately saw Shaira and Sam, why does Shaira look like she don't wanna be with Sam?
Aaron and I approached, "Hey! Aren't you done yet?" I asked the two of them.
"Finished." Shaira said non-active.
"Eh? We're not done yet---" Sam hadn't finished his sentences when Shaira covered his mouth.
Shaira smiled at me while still covering Sam's mouth with her hand. "We're done."
Even though I was surprised at their actions, I just nodded and didn't speak anymore. "Okay, you exchange your tickets. We'll just meet at the entrance."
She smiled and removed her hand from Sam's mouth. "All right."
I nodded and left, followed by Aaron. "Do you find it weird?"
"What do you mean?" He also asked in surprise.
I stopped walking and looked at him. "The two of them are weird."
"Tsk, don't mind them we have to find...Ahhmmm..... i think six of them."
"Okay all right, come on." We walked to another part of the play station and found the rest of them looking happy.
They are partners, I don't know that, ah, it looks like the others too, I thought the girls would be the partners.
They went to the cashier of the play station to exchange their tickets while Aaron and I were just on the side to wait for them.
When they finished exchanging tickets, we agreed to eat because they had been hungry for a while.
While walking was told how many tickets each partners got. "Rania and I get five thousand tickets." Zekiel's leadership.
"Grace and I have eight thousand." Lesh followed proudly really proud of himself.
"Tss. Afsah and I are also have eight thousand." Said Ashton.
"Your a copying us." Lesh's accusation.
"I don't know that we're going to be the same! You're really stupid anytime." Disgusted Ashton said.
"Hey that's enough," Zekiel sighed. "Next please."
Miggy and Ruby, the partners, followed. "Seven for us." Miggy's simple answer.
"Ten thousand." Suddenly Aaron said while his hand in his pockets.
Surprised they all looked at us. "For real?!" At once they asked.
"Yup. This oh." I even showed them the receipt. "It's good that I found a partner if not im going to treat you all and I don't have money." My voice getting lower and lower I said as my smile widened.
"How about you Sam?" Aaron asked.
Scratching against Sam as he spoke, we focused our attention on them. "Three hundred?" He doesn't seem to be sure of what to say.
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You look like your going to treat us bro." Lesh even put his arm around him.
Sam glared at him before rushing to remove Lesh's hand from his shoulder.
Miggy tapped him on the shoulder. "It's okay bro, you're treat. Where we going?" Annoyingly he added.
"Tsk. You're not, just Shaira." Pissed said Sam.
So all the men----except Aaron----complained. "We already bet on it! Your not true to your words." Said Ashton.
Sam grinned, "You didn't say im going to treat you all." Proud he said.
They were all fighting there but Aaron was still in his hands on his pockets and didn't care.
I poke him with my elbow. "You won't do anything?" I ask.
She shrugged. "Nothing."
"As in? Nothing really?"
"Yeah, why?"
"What why?" I even imitated the tone of his speech. "Hey, those are your friends!"
"Those are just bonding."
My shoulder dropped. "You're really serious." I said in a tone of helplessness.
He nodded at me as if nothing had happened and said, "Yeah."
I gasped. I looked at my friends who were begging them to stop. I also approached to take them away. "Stop it! It's embarrassing oh---plus we're here!" I shouted to stop them. I crossed my arms and placed my hands on my chest. I widened my eyes. "What?!"
They stopped and my friendssss went next to me. They scratched their nape looking at us. "Sorry." At once they said.
"Tsh. Let's eat I'm already hungry, don't make me hungry if you don't want me to chop you one by one." I said seriously.
"Yeah, let's go I'm hungry too." We walked to a restaurant.
Aaron was in front of us so he choose the food, my friends were next to me and the five were behind us.
The six of us chatted as we walked to the restaurant we were going to eat at.
"What did you exchange for ten thousand Anya?" Rania asked curiously.
I showed him the paperbag I was carrying. "This."
"That's cute." Rania said when she saw the ice bear, "Just give it to me." Big smile she said to me.
I took the paperbag away, "I really don't want to, I worked hard. Besides, I used my money here." Proud to say, I approached them to whisper. "Didn't you get something like this? I'll just give you food."
She also approached, "No. We already have a few tickets so we just changed it to the food." She also whispered that I laughed.
I nodded and make my face away from her. "Ahh......That's right, how about you?" I asked others.
"Same!" At once they said.
Which led to me nodding again. "Were here." Aaron's announcement.
We went inside and since there was no table for twelve, the double tables were set side by side so that we could all fit.
After that we sat down, they ordered and we didn't say anything about what they ordered as long as there was no pork, because Rania and Afsah are not allowed. I also don't want to eat.
After serving, we ate and talked, of course it's complete of someone loses their quarrels.
After eating, they talked to each other again so Aaron and I were silent again.
"Psst!" When I poke Aaron.
He looked at me with a frown. "What?"
"What time is it?" I asked, because my phone is still in my pocket. He also has a wrist watch.
"Ten, two. Why?" He asked again after looking at his watch before looking back at me.
I looked back at were im going, "Nothing, we've been here for so long."
"Yeah." His answer was simple.
I wondered when they faced us. "Why, what's happening?" I wonder question them.
Ashton raised his hand. "We have different route to go."
"We're going to split up."
"We don't have we." I said jokingly.
"Tss." I just laughed. "Grace is going home." Said Lesh.
I looked at Grace, "Your going home Grace?" I wonder question.
"Yup. My sister just chatted me saying they needed me at home." She explains.
Ayt! Of course. "Are you moving now?"
She nodded. "Me too." Rania said, "My dad will be angry."
"Okay." I looked at them again. "Do you have anything else to say?" I asked them.
"Me!" Sam said in a spirited tone. "Shaira and I will just talk, I'll go home with her too." She forced a smile, I saw Shaira stare. I really feel like something is happening to the two of them.
I just ignored that. "You?" I asked Afsah, Miggy, Ruby and Ashton.
"Ruby and I are going home too, I'll go with Rania." Afsah looked at Ashton, "Is it okay?" Afsah said hesitantly.
Ash smiled, "it's okay."
Ruby looked at me. "You Anya?"
I smiled, "Let's go home."
"All right."
We walked out of the mall because we decided to go home.
"I'm sorry, you just go around yourselves now." I said sadly, because they were nice to us and treat us but were the one invited to go home.
Zekiel smiled at me, "It's okay you look busy."
I shrugged. "A little."
He just nodded and we started walking again when we were outside the mall, we even fought if they would take us home.
But because we were stubborn, we didn't bother to take us home, we just walked to each other's houses.
Arriving home I saw the door open. Looks like grandma has come home.
When I opened the door, I had the correct suspicion that she was already there, with his back to me, so I put the paperbag I was carrying near the door and approached him slowly.
"I know you're their my granddaughter." Grandma said while still her back turn on me.
My shoulders dropped, always. "Grandma, i hope you just acted." I said sadly while pouting.
I approached my grandmother and hugged her back. "And why are you hugging me? Do you need something?" She said that she looked back at me, I was only a few inches taller than my grandmother.
My head receded. "Grandma, can't I just miss you?" Pouting I said. "Your time gone for a long time."
"Really?" Big smile said my grandmother.
I nodded and nodded, "Yes! Actually grandma I have something to give you." Big smile I said.
But before I could get to the paperbag my grandmother looked at me waving. "Where have you been?"
"Because my friend treat us again---I mean at Velt Mall," I looked at grandma with a forced smile, "I'm sorry grandma If I didn't say im going out with my friends." I bowed as I said.
Grandma laughed so I looked up at her, "Are you serious? It's okay, you're big you know you're doing." I smiled at what my grandmother said.
"Thank you grandma, I have something to give you." I smiled before approaching the paperbag and took the pillow, "Grandma, I got it at the play station because I remember when you said your back hurts, put it on your back." I said as I approached grandma.
"Oh! Daughter, you're still thinking about me," She happily accepted that. "Thank you Anya." Sad but smiling grandma said.
I hugged her, "Grandma it's nothing, all for you."
She removed my hug with her. "Promise me Anya, don't leave me huh?"
Suddenly her tears flowed, I panicked. "Grandma, are you in pain?" I said while looking at his wholeness.
She laughed while still crying, "No daughter, I just want you to promise," She touched both my faces. "You promise Anya."
I nodded, "Yes grandma, I promise." I hugged her.
She wiped away her tears before saying. "Let's eat."
I nodded and sat down, she put the pillow behind him like I said before.
Hala! I forgot to give Aaron the dinosaur, why is that?
After eating, I set the table, because my grandmother was going to rest.
Then I just phoned all night and chatted with my friendness, and also read webnovel.
It was night when I finished reading, grandma was already asleep so I just let her go, maybe she was tired. I ate alone before going to sleep.
Sunday, nothing important happened to me. But grandma left again and we were supposed to bond.
Monday is the day of assignments again, and because we are hardworking we are in the computer shop again and making a report.
It's almost the end of the school year so they're rushing us, while us always rushing too to finish the task.
"I'm done!" I said happily.
"Hope all!" At once they said.
"I'm going to print." I didn't wait for them to answer and went down to print. "Sir print." I said I could get down.
"File name?"
"Anya." When I said that, I just used my cellphone. "Please log-out the number twenty-three."
"It's all thirty-five." I reached fifty pesos. After giving my print and change, I went up again and waited for them.
I'm waiting for them because we agreed to eat canton at the house, grandma is gone for work again.
"We're done," they stood up and went downstairs to print
I sat in their waiting in the waiting area, I was too lazy to stand up----ayt! Sorry Afsah is the laziest.
After printing, we walked home, we were in front of the school and we were about to turn when a fast car pulled up in front of me----OMJ! I'M JUST A FEW AWAY FROM THE CAR!!!!
It quickly entered the school and I was shocked to stare at the nowhere.
"Hey! Are you okay?!" Rania asked.
"That car really fast drive! What's with the driver?" Grace said angrily, they patted me.
"Are you alright?" I didn’t answer at Shaira's question and went straight inside the school and looked for the car.
That car is red so it's easy to find, I just don't know what car it is.
I saw it at the far end of the parking lot, it's a good thing or i might crash his head.
I approach the car, I knocked on the window. "Hey! You shameless people you almost drive over me!" I shout.
The door opened immediately, the woman also came out red in dress and with shades.
She is beautiful but I am more beautiful, were have the same height and because she has heels she's a little bit taller than me. If she don't have heels, I'm taller.
She raised an eyebrow then lowered the shades as if examining me, "What?" Aba't very good acting huh? Did she have an amnesia that fast? She's beautiful but really easy to forget.
"Huh! You forgot right away?" Disgusted I say that mixed with sarcastic.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry." She said before walking away in front of me. I followed but before I could continue I saw my friends----as in all of them! "Hello there." She spoke in english like duh! Your not good at it.
She turned her back on me so I couldn't see his face but I could see the startled reaction of the boys.
"Is that you were talking?" Ashton asked before facing my friends.
"I don't know, you asked Anya." Rania pointed at me.
They all looked at me except to that witch, Aaron turned to face the woman. "What are you doing here?" Aaron asked frowning.
I interrupted their conversation, "Wait, before you get along you might want to apologize to me." Relaxingly I say.
The witch turned around, "Who are you talking to?" Her forehead was also furrowed as she speak.
I smiled soundly, "Wow ah!" I said that the i act on the close and open parenthesis. "You just met, you have amnesia! Just say sorry! You're the one who almost killed me and you still have the urge to get angry!" I said angrily, your get angry to right if you almost got heat by a car?
She grinned, "It's your fault, you're not looking your way." Abah! You are brave ah.
I also smiled, "F*ck you!" I'm really disgusted here.
She looked at me in shock. "How dare you!"
"You're not sorry! So am I! You deserve it bitch!" I said angrily, no one messes with me.
She was about to speak when Aaron spoke. "Stop it! Tsk. What are you doing here Rose?" It turns out that these guys are known each other.
The witch turned to Aaron, "Oh? I'm here for you, for my fianće." What she say?!!