Chapter 24

We were at school today and the our task we had to do a lot, we have so much to do! Ah!

While I was preparing the paper to be submitted for my practical research, my cellphone suddenly rang but I ignored it and went to the faculty.

They are also passing their works but I don't know where they are, we are so busy we can hardly can't talk anymore, we can only think now is to catch up with the teacher's deadline.

My day ended just passing my homeworks and projects, and I also had to get out of school and run to buy or just make those papers, it's a good thing that our gate is open and we can go out.

The day is fast and we will soon finish grade twelve again, that's if we can pass. Jowk! Of course Yes noh! I struggled and hardwork for it.

We girls met just across the gate because we were separated for our own activities.