I woke up in early but my head is like breaking into two, it really hurts. I just walk to my bathroom and shower with a cold water.
Then i go to the walk in closet, i just ware a white shirt and a jogging pants because its saturday I don't have class and im just staying at home when weekends.
When im done, I walk to the staires to go the kithchen to eat my breakfast. Then i see my Mom and Dad in the dining table look at me mad.
I just nooded at them as a greeting. "Morning." I greeted.
But they didn't greet me with a good morning.
"Explain." Mom said before I sit front of her. I look at her, confused.
"What?" Im really confused of what im going to explain to her.
"Oh come on son, you know about it." Mom told me again, what?! I didn't even know what she's saying.
I look confused again before Dad tell what is it. "About last night." My Dad looking pissed at me and that I have do bad on him. "You kissed another girl! Knowing that you have a fianće!"